15.2. Roots, Fur, Scales and Feather - Part 2

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Ingri returns when Fefnir is establishing four servers, one for each race. The technicians are helping him with that and feel super anxious around him. Well, he does look like a proper reptile now.

"What's up?" Ingri sits down next to me.

I notice she's not wearing her corset today. She's still dressed in a lolita dress but it looks more casual.

"It was a bit suffocating," she says because she guesses why I'm staring at her outfit. "And my dress is starting to feel strange as well. The material is artificial."

"Order anything you want... within reason, of course," Liana offers. "Will organic cotton be better for your Earthborn skin?"

"Perfect probably but they don't make any nice outfits with it," Ingri looks saddened.

"Order just the fabric and hire someone to sew you a dress," Liana shrugs. "It seems we have to re-evaluate our fashion sense as well. Soon. Fefnir looks kind of ridiculous in his clothes and Aefener is shivering even if he's wearing a hoodie."

"Hey, who do you call ridiculous?" Fefnir purses his lips.

"Aefener, you feel cold?" Ingri is worried. "Should I adjust more clothes for you?"

"A bit, yes," I say. "And I didn't take anything else with me."

"He was okay just yesterday," Erik is also concerned. "Since this morning, he put on a hoodie and he has two t-shirts underneath."

"I'll tell Hana to order him some thermo clothes," Liana nods. "And for me as well seeing how the transformation progresses."

"Right, progress," Dr Stein speaks up. She's sitting in the corner, either typing another document into her laptop or communicating with doctors and researchers. "I should re-measure Ryuuto's wings."

I know that you don't want her touching you but we have to know, Erik tells me in advance because he notices my aversion.

"O-okay," I agree and let Dr Stein do her job.

I get goosebumps when she stretches my wings so I close my mind completely. I still catch what she's thinking about but at least she isn't pouring all her stuff into me.

"They've grown by three centimetres each," she announces enthusiastically.

"That much?" everyone is surprised.

"My laser measuring tape is very precise," she confirms. "Later, I'd like to weight you as well, Ryuuto, to see if your bones are getting lighter."

If you get any lighter, a gust of wind will blow you away, Erik touches my wing to send me a joking thought and at that moment his phone starts ringing.

"Sorry, I have to take it," he sighs. "It's from work."

This time he doesn't want me to hear it and goes outside. I hope they aren't pushing him too hard about the fact why he's away. Come to think of it... I should probably check my school email. I guess I must have missed some assignments. Do Draconians get extensions due to our condition?

I open the university mail inbox and stare at it for a few seconds. Every professor of mine wrote me an email and there're several messages from the dean of my faculty as well as various student organisations. Also my classmates whom I've hardly spoken to wrote me for some reason. Damn, I need a whole day to go through this avalanche of messages.

"Are you okay, Aefener?" Liana asks.

"School stuff," I sigh. "Oh, Li, what am I going to do? I have a degree to finish. Will they let me attend university again when things calm down?"

Draconia Offline vol. 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz