18.1. Figuring Out Magic - Part 1

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I know that it wasn't just a figure of speech, she really meant it. I try helping Liana with coordinating Emi's rescue but I can't focus. I keep thinking about her words and my head is full of catastrophic scenarios. What if more Draconians start to hate humans? What if...?

"Don't," Erik clutches my hand. "I'm here to make sure it won't come to that. Besides, it's been barely two weeks since it all started and people are still confused. They need time to come to terms with it. Not everyone will hate Draconians just because you're different, look at people like Mrs Hana, Dr Stein and Ingri's parents."

I try to smile back at him but then I glance at the 3D projector that's constantly showing the news on silent.

"I-it's been confirmed," I gasp and quickly turn on the sound.

Everybody stops working and we're watching the broadcast in which a reporter says that a young Celestial woman in Kazakhstan has indeed died when doctors attempted to amputate her wings. So far Draconians were mostly undecided whether to believe Emi's video or not but now we can expect real panic.

"I know that she was your friend," Julia says slowly. "But at the very least no one else will try something similar."

"Small comfort," Fefnir frowns. Liana doesn't say anything but I can feel her anger and sadness she's bottling inside.

"Oh, I was meaning to ask you, Fefnir," Julia chews her lip. "Do the Dragonkin die when they lose their tail?"

"No," he shakes his head. "Our weak spot is our stomach where the scales aren't that hard. We can re-grow all our limbs."

Julia opens her mouth wide, speechless.

"O-ouch, dammit," I massage my temples because sudden burst of pain flashes through my head.

Dr Stein shakes off her astonishment and jumps to me.

"What is it, Ryuuto?" she asks with real concern which is a pleasant change.

"Too many agitated emotions in the vicinity," I explain. "Plus, I didn't rest much after the interrogation and it was the first time I was directly connecting to so many unknown people."

"Right," Erik clicks his tongue. "Doc, Ryuuto needs some means to better control his ability, can you think of something?"

"Well, obviously no as he's the only confirmed telepath ever," she's lost. "But I can look up some meditation techniques and we can test them to see what will possibly work."

"Li, you need to rest as well," I say when Erik points to the door, making me get up. "You're on the brink of total exhaustion. Don't think you can hide it from me."

"When I'm done organising Emi's rescue," Liana nods tiredly. "Then we should have a few hours to rest properly before my employees reach her."

"Mrs Hana, please see to it that Liana really goes to bed," I implore the housekeeper. "My viceroy has a bad habit of over-achieving."

"Yes, I know," Mrs Hana is well aware. "Don't worry, Mr Ryuuto."

"Just Ryuuto, please."

"Then just Hana, please."


Julia is watching me while the painkillers she gave me just a half an hour ago to mitigate my headache end up in a toilet bowl.

"That didn't go well," Erik sighs, kindly holding my hair.

"It has almost the same composition as that brand you mentioned you've been taking, Ryuuto," Julia says, nervously stepping in one place. "I thought your body is used to them."

Draconia Offline vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now