65.2. The Call of the Distant Homeland - Part 2

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"Are you okay, Li?" I worry because the first thing I notice when I enter the Royal Office the next morning is Liana feeling pissed and flustered.

"That moron was standing in front of my bedroom the whole night," she complains loudly which isn't normally her style.

"You mean Soren? Well, he's in the Royal Guard now so his task is doing exactly that," I don't understand the problem.

"I didn't think he would be guarding ME!" she cries. "He saw me in a night robe and with my bed hair!"

Gotrid and Erik chuckle so Liana stares at them with her eyes narrowed.

"I wanted to re-assign him to you but Vermiel told me he has all posts full already," she continues ranting. "Apparently, every Celestial with that aspiration tries hard to get into the Royal Guard to serve you directly."

"Naturally, it's the highest honour," Gotrid says matter-of-factly.

"It seems to me Soren volunteered to become your guard," I giggle. "Do I sense a crush developing?"

"Don't be ridiculous, that guy just wants to torment me for the weeks I've been ignoring him," she grunts. "He went to sleep after his night shift so I'm rid of him for now but he will come back for sure!"

"Some torment can be good," Gotrid winks at me. "After all, I got my Emperor by being daring and persistent."

"I'd call it obnoxious," Erik coughs.

Liana rolls her eyes and tells us to stop messing around and start working. As expected, there's a ton of work waiting for us after yesterday. I have another phone call with the Japanese Prime Minister who obviously didn't get any sleep, judging by his weary expression.

"Thirty-six people are dead," Ichikawa announces grimly. "The Draconians did what they could but they came too late and weren't well organised. People in Prague are lucky to have you, Your Majesty."

"We have to speed up establishing patrols," I say urgently. "As we said at the conference, we need professional combat forces, not random volunteers. Have you managed to secure suitable spots across the whole country yet?"

"Not yet," Ichikawa admits. "The logistic of such a task is challenging but my people are working on it as we speak."

"My call for arms was answered by many Draconians," I try to sound positive. "We'll have working combat units soon."

"But we also need Celestials... every country does," the Prime Minister bites his lip.

"Of course, I promised to fully cooperate," I don't understand what he's talking about.

"So you'll ask them to stay in their respective countries?" Ichikawa is afraid to meet my eyes. "I mean those countries that didn't refuse Draconian help."

"Wait," I raise my hand because I finally catch his drift. "Are you telling me that Celestials are leaving Japan?"

"You didn't know?" the Prime Minister blinks. "It's literally an exodus. Now that the UN guarantees that Draconians can cross borders, many Celestials decided to flock to Bohemia where their Emperor is. To you. Japanese social media is full of photos of Celestials waiting for flights to Europe."

"Li!" I call my Viceroy who's overhearing our conversation from the other table.

"Investigating it!" she calls back in a panic because not even she anticipated such an outcome.

"I'm sorry, Ichikawa-san, we didn't know. We were busy after yesterday's attack," I apologise. "I'll try imploring my people to stay and protect Japan."

"Your Majesty," Ichikawa takes a deep breath. "I know that what I'm about to ask you is very bold of us but would you consider visiting Japan as our most honoured guest? Maybe Japanese Celestials wouldn't be so eager to leave if they saw that you still perceive Japan to be your homeland."

"Ehm," I can't answer right away because the sudden appeal startled me.

"Just for one week?" Ichikawa almost begs.

"We've recently returned from New York, Ichikawa-san," Gotrid answers for me. "His Majesty needs to rest."

"I'm well aware of that," he says and lowers his gaze. "I also realise that you're not a Japanese citizen, Your Majesty, so you have no obligation to us but surely you feel something towards your birthplace?"

"You mean the birthplace which refused to grant me dual citizenship?" I comment bitterly. "And deported me when I was just four?"

Ichikawa grows pale.

"Your mother was an EU citizen and she didn't state who your father was when you were born," he explains slowly. "We do allow dual citizenship but only if you could prove that at least part of your family is Japanese."

I shudder. That would mean admitting in front of the whole world that Takeda is my father! I try to look like I need a few moments to think it through to discuss the matter with my partners telepathically without being suspicious.

Maybe it's not such a bad idea? It could get him from hiding, Erik suggests carefully.

He might deny it, I doubt. Besides, do we want to contact him now? Everything is in a disarray.

You'll need to face him one day, Erik reminds me softly.

No way, Gotrid disagrees. If Takeda publicly confirms that our Emperor is indeed his son, he might try to claim him.

Claim? Ryuuto is a legal adult, Gotrid, Erik snorts.

The Japanese are very conservative when it comes to family matters, Gotrid opposes. Whatever that Takeda guy is planning, it's obvious he needs our beloved for that and this could serve as a perfect pretence.

"I'll consider visiting Japan," I say loudly. "I might not have any obligation to you but you're right that Japan is my birthplace. Don't bother investigating if I'm Japanese enough in the eyes of your immigration law, it'll be a strictly diplomatic visit."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Ichikawa's face brightens. "If there's hope you're coming in foreseeable future, Japanese Celestials will think twice about leaving. Thank you, thank you!"

The phone call ends and I have a dark premonition and screwed up big time. The Japanese don't understand hesitation the same way Europeans do and my thinking is European.

"Yes, I'm afraid the Japanese government is taking our visit for granted," Liana notices my expression and switches into the teacher's mode. "You still have much to learn, my young political padawan."

"You're not mad?" I sigh.

"Anything that helps us gain political influence and is seen in a positive light is good," she shrugs. "Besides, don't you want to visit your homeland?"

"I've always wanted to," I admit. "But as a tourist and to do touristy things."

"I'm afraid there's no such thing as a monarch or a president of another country visiting as a tourist," she has to disappoint me.

I sigh. Another thing that's never happening. Being the Celestial Emperor brings only limitations and almost no perks except for money and influence.

Only you're not interested in money and influence, Erik comments in his thoughts, amused.

"Li, can I leave to visit our wounded?" I ask because I'm not sure if I'm needed right now or not. "I have no doubts they have the best possible care but I'm still worried about Gwyn's wing."

"Sure, go," she allows. "Your visit will boost their morale and I need to contact and interconnect our Japanese communities which will take some time."

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