63.3. A Breather Before the Storm - Part 3

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Taranah is staring at me, puzzled, when I ask him why he refused to cooperate with Julia. I called him to the Royal Office for explanation and scolding. He's lowering his head but he doesn't understand why I'm dissatisfied.

"It wasn't a command from you, Your Majesty," he says without a trace of doubt. He's kneeling before me but he stays firm. "I apologise but I can't read minds like you to catch on your imperial intentions. I wouldn't dare to act without your consent."

"And it didn't seem to you like a good idea?" I sigh.

"It did but it was a human who suggested it," he says.

"If you think it's a good idea nonetheless, just present it to me," I tell him. "Also, Julia is my good friend and I trust her. If I hear that Celestials are disregarding her just because she's human, I won't be pleased."

"As you wish, Your Majesty," Taranah bows again and I can feel he's relieved I let him go without punishment.

When he's gone, I turn to Erik for comfort. Celestials are gaining on confidence by each passing day but they're also gaining on pride. They might answer to me unconditionally but it's gradually showing they'll be even harder to keep in line than Clawfangs.

"I hate this," I whisper into Erik's ear and hug him.

"I know but it's good they have you," he caresses my feathers. "I like Liana and she's an excellent Viceroy but she'd be terrifying as the Empress. You're exactly where you're supposed to be."

"When is she returning anyway?" I ask because Liana departed early in the morning to welcome the last batch of incoming American Celestials.

We've been even busier than we anticipated. Hundreds of Celestials are coming every day with each transport which means finding them accommodation and assigning first jobs. A lot of them will be sent on missions to other European countries to ward against monsters.

"Her Excellency should be back in an hour," Luviael answers. "I got the information that the plane landed already."

"I could meet them half-way?" I suggest but Luvi is shaking her head.

"You didn't have a breather in days, the doctor is furious with us. Use that hour to relax."

"She's absolutely right, hon," Erik pushes me out of the office. "Let's use this opportunity to have a cup of coffee."

I'm sorry that Gotrid can't join us but I sent him to speak with Rien and the Clawfang representation on my behalf to save time. I just hope they aren't giving him a hard time because I can feel him and he isn't exactly thrilled about his task.

"Uff, my back is stiff," I sigh when we find an empty lounge on this floor to occupy. I haven't found time to go flying today yet. I'm afraid there might be days I simply won't find time. Liana was lucky she went to the airport because I doubt she resorted to a car.

"Lie down, I'll give you a massage," Erik offers, lowering the sofa's backrest so that I can spread my wings to the sides.

"Your hands are heaven," I moan when he starts working on my poor back.

But it seems malevolent gods don't want me to relax. Only ten minutes into the massage I suddenly feel it—a disturbance in space itself so large that it makes my feathers stand up. Another monster attack and this time in Prague, my home. 

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