44.3. The Emperor Within Me - Part 3

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I don't feel that much different but at the same time everything is different. I'm not forcing myself to think human anymore and I'm not forcing myself to think as a common Celestial either. Every Celestial I meet on my way to the office I see as a precious subject I have to protect. Have to... but also want to. It's both an obligation and my genuine wish.

As I'm walking the corridors, I'm making eye contact with as many Celestials as I can and try to remember their faces. I feel concerned about every single one of them and my heart aches when I'm thinking about Celestials who are out there in hiding and possibly in danger.

With other races, it gets more complicated. I don't feel the same burning desire because they don't belong to me but I don't feel indifferent. Celestials are my utmost priority but I wish to protect all Draconians. As for humans, though... to be honest, the only human I really care about is Erik.

Unexpectedly, we encounter Dubois standing in front of a vending machine near Liana's office. His emotional state isn't stable today and he's irritated for some reason.

"Good morning," I greet him casually, curious for his reaction.

He flinches and his eyes widen when he looks at me. After yesterday, he finally learnt that he can't mess with me. He can hear that my tone is much firmer now and that I don't experience any discomfort when dealing with him anymore.

"Good morning, Your Majesty... Mr Anderle," he greets us both and even bows because that's what the protocol dictates.

"Trouble with the machine?" I tilt my head and notice that a chocolate bar he paid for got stuck. I decide that I'm feeling generous today even towards him and push the bar with my telekinesis. "You're welcome."

He opens his mouth to reply something but I'm already passing him. Erik smirks.

"The window is fixed, we can go to the main office," Miruel, who's the captain of today's shift, informs us. "Please, don't break another, Your Majesty."

"I won't," I assure her because I feel she's nervous about it. "My wings are still resting after yesterday's strain. But tomorrow... ehm... not sure about that."

"His Dominance is working on securing your flying sessions," she says. "He mentioned observatory drones."

It's a bit weird to hear Fefnir's official title but it's just a fragment of how I'd feel about it before. Everything clicked for me finally, it's how it should be. Funny that I was probably the last one to become fully Draconian mentally, especially considering that my physical transformation was the fastest.

I think it's because of me, Erik says, catching my thoughts I keep channelling to him upon touch. I was holding you back. I made you cling to humanity.

Even if it was true, I don't mind. I think I'll be a better ruler exactly because I have you by my side.

"Oh, Your Majesty, good that you're here," I'm apprehended by Taranah the moment we show up in Liana's office. He bows to me as if it's the most natural thing to do. "Can you look at this training plan and authorise it? And just a reminder that our training is today at four."

"Good morning to you too," I reply sarcastically but assure him that I certainly will.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" Liana greets me enthusiastically but unlike Luviael and other people, she doesn't bother standing up to bow to me.

I'm really happy about it. I feel like the Emperor through and through now but that doesn't mean I require that kind of highly formal behaviour from my closest friends. Liana knows that, of course.

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