20.1. Refugees - Part 1

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"It's Aefener!"

"Your Majesty, please, help us!"

"Is that the Dragonkin viceroy?"

"Wow, Laura Richter, for real!"

I'm taken aback immediately after we step outside the mansion and are flooded with the newcomers. Liana was talking about creating safe havens for Draconians all over the world, it just never crossed my mind that they'd be coming so soon and without prior notice.

Draconians of all races are getting off the bus and we're suddenly surrounded. I clutch Erik's hand because crowds have always made me uncomfortable and he smiles at me reassuringly. Surprisingly though, I don't find their minds bothersome. The amount of excited emotions is a bit overwhelming but I don't feel nauseous or anything.

"Ehm, I'm sorry, Miss Richter... I mean Your Excellency," a bulky Dragonkin steps out of the vehicle last and closes the door. "My name is Benir, I'm a bus driver. These people had nowhere to go so I..."

"It's okay," Liana acts calm even though I feel she's nervous about the situation. "You should have contacted me beforehand, though."

"I... I know... we were afraid maybe you wouldn't take us in just like that," Benir looks down guiltily.

Liana shakes her head and starts to plan with her employees where to put the newcomers. Even though her mansion is huge, it's not a hotel. The Clawfangs immediately gang around Emi who is enjoying the attention, unlike me.

"His Majesty is so beautiful," a young Celestial woman with brown patterned feathers compliments me.

All of a sudden, one of the Clawfangs curiously touches my wings without asking. I flinch and have to make an effort not to connect to him on impulse. It seems easier with Draconians than with humans so I have to be extra cautious. The culprit gets angry stares from my race so he runs to Emi instead.

"Just Aefener is fine," I say because I feel inadequate that they're addressing me so politely. But it's like they aren't listening and keep addressing me royally.

The commotion gets under control after an hour when Liana's employees give them a designated spot and maids bring sandwiches.

"Okay, I underestimated that a bit," Liana scratches her chin when she can finally sit down to rest after all that running around. We're watching fifty-three people ravenously eating sandwiches in the garden gazebo from afar so we can speak freely.

"How are you coping, Aefener?" Ingri lands next to my viceroy. She was actively helping her the whole time and it's evident Liana is starting to really trust her even with important tasks.

"Somehow," I say truthfully. "It's difficult to filter so many emotions at once but Draconian minds don't exhaust me as much."

"Interesting," Julia remarks. I twitch because I haven't even noticed her in that commotion. "Your brain might be getting attuned to minds of the transformed."

"Which is... a good thing?" Erik ponders while looking at the crowd. "Gosh, am I getting stares from our newcomers?"

"I'm getting stares as well," Julia shrugs indifferently. "They don't trust us. Some of them look slightly injured and I had a hard time persuading them to let me treat them. Fefnir had to vouch for me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do my job. More than half of them still isn't fully transformed yet."

"Another reason why we have to lead by example, love," Erik smirks and ostentatiously squeezes next to me. I enjoy it thoroughly.

"Thanks, Erik, you being here is priceless," Liana appreciates and grabs a sandwich as well.

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