19.2. She Hates Humans - Part 2

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Emi must have been really exhausted because she didn't wake up that day and continued sleeping throughout the night. We take turns guarding her to make sure she isn't alone. Julia isn't happy that Liana forbade her to enter Emi's room so instead she glues to Ingri whose symptoms keep progressing. When she returns from her morning sunbathing session, I notice her skin is starting to change colour.

"Have you practiced that meditation again?" Julia asks me when she finishes taking photos of Ingri's palms.

"Ehm... I overslept," I admit and quickly add: "I'm sorry that I'm lazy b-but..."

"It's okay," Julia benevolently waves her hand and lets it go. "Your wings are growing fast, you need to rest. Just make sure you practice today and you did some training on our newcomer after all. Speaking of which..."

She takes out her leaser measuring tape and scans my wings.

"Another two centimetres," she finds out.

"So... when will he be able to fly?" Erik asks curiously. "Soon?"

"His wings must get much bigger," she shakes her head. "Even with the current speed of growth, it'll probably take at least three months. The bones have to get lighter, too."

"Three months?" I'm horrified. "B-but... I feel like flying now!"

"Well, you can't yet," she says plainly. "Do you even realise how difficult it must be for your body to grow something entirely new so fast? How much energy it must take? You could stuff yourself all day long and you wouldn't put on weight. By the way, do stuff yourself, please."

"I'm overseeing that," Erik pokes me. "I made him eat four eggs for breakfast even though he was begging me for cereals."

"I'm starting to get envious of Ingri's light diet," I roll my eyes because I've always hated over-eating.

"I get additional nutrients in other ways," Ingri speaks up, looking up from her phone. "You know... from sunlight and soil."

"I agree with Fefnir, she is a plant," Erik chuckles.

"Guuuuuyyys!" Fefnir suddenly runs into the study. "Emi's finally up!"

We smile at each other, quickly get up and hurry to the guest room. Only Julia has to stay behind, disappointed. We find Emi sitting on the bed with a tray on her lap, ravenously eating ham and looking calm now. Liana is sitting closely next to her and Emi has no problem with that which is good to see.

"Ae-fu-ne-lu," Emi mumbles with her mouth full when she sees me in the door. She makes an effort to gulp and pushes the tray aside.

"Do you feel better now?" I ask and sit down opposite to Liana.

"Much better," she nods and narrows her eyes. "What did you do to me?"

"Ehm... what do you think I did?" I say carefully, not wanting to startle her.

"I'm not sure but it felt miraculous so just spit it out," she stretches her hand to pat my wing because she seemed to take a liking to my feathers. Thanks to direct touch, I'm able to send her my thoughts. I feel she can take it now.

I'm a telepath, Emi.

"NO WAY!" she shrieks and unconsciously clutches my wing too tight.

"Ouch," I whine. "I have a Celestial body, Emi, so watch your strength with me."

"Oh, sorry," she lets go and keeps looking at me with her mouth open wide. "But how is such a thing even possible? Is it an extra Draconian mutation or something?"

"No, I'm a telepath since birth," I explain.

Her reaction is similar to Fefnir. She touches me again and wants me to tell her what she's thinking about. At least her imagery isn't as stupid as Fefnir's was. We give her a few moments to digest that revelation and answer her questions but she comes to terms with it quite quickly. I guess our bar for weirdness must have shifted with all those things happening.

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