Chapter 149

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The next morning Destiny woke up before everyone

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The next morning Destiny woke up before everyone. She goes and grabs breakfast for her, Ryan, Chase and Carrie.

She walked back in finding Ryan awake.

"Hey I was wondering where you got off too." Ryan says kissing her head when she sat down.

"Went to get us some food." Destiny says.

"Aww okay. Thanks."'Ryan says.

"Yes thanks I am hungry and for once these little ones are letting me keep food down." Carrie says.

"Awww I am glad I got food and glad they are. Still shocked it's triplets but happy for you and Chase." Destiny says.

"Thank you Des. They don't know if Carrie will be able to have any more after this. She's such high risk." Chase says.

"Aww well you know if you wanted to have another you could always go the surrogat route. I would carry for you guys." Destiny says.

"Awww that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said or offered to do for me." Carrie says.

"I mean every single word and I would do it." Destiny replies.

"We know. Thanks Destiny you are the best." Chase says.

"How is lil Chase doing?" Ryan asks.

"Handling chemo like a boss." Chase answers.

"Good. One more round and then we do the procedure tomorrow right?" Destiny asks.

"Yup. Thank you again. Both of you." Chase says.

"He is my godson and I take that role very Iseriously. Plus Autumn was my best friend so of course im going to save her son." Destiny says.

"I still appreciate it."Chase says.

The nurse comes in and starts his next round of chemo. During it they watched a lot of Disney Chanel. Okay
Destiny got her lap top out and begins to do some work. She made edit and answered email.

"Okay Chase except for going to the Napa tent on race morning I pretty much cleared your schedule." Destiny says.

"Thanks Destiny.   I think I can handle one thing." Chase replies.

Chase took the second round id Chemo so well.   It was on track for the procedure.  

"So looks like they will do the procedure early tomorrow so it won't effect us going to Indy." Chase says.

"That is good." Destiny says.

"Yes I am glad he is doing well and can have the procedure." Carrie says.

"Me too.    So they are going to extract the bone marrow from us and place it into lil Chase."  Chase says.

"Yes a simple procedure.    I can't wait to do it and give him the gift of life." Destiny says.

Later on that day Bill and Cindy, Mick and most of all their friends came to see Chase.   He was stating to crawl and was just about to start walking and you couldn't even tell he was sick.   

It was later and they all had just left. 

"I am so glad that he is doing well." Ryan says.

"I know.   Me too." Destiny  replies.

"I am glad you can gift without you being worried about something happening to the twins." Ryan says.

"I know me too.    I am glad Carrie can give along with Chase.   It's amazing." Destiny says.

The doctor  came in and explained the procedure to Destiny, Chase and Carrie.    He  koiwould take the marrow out of them via a small needle.     Then they would in plant it inside of Chase.     It was amazing what they could do in the medical field now a days.

Chase and Carrie took a CHG shower with baby Chase and then Ryan helped Destiny with hers. Finally they were just chilling around the room playing Uno.

"I think we should turn in early tonight since we have to he up so dang early for the procedure." Chase says.

"Sounds good to me." Destiny says.

"Yes we all need our sleep so we can be on our a game for our little warrior." Carrie says.

"Amen." Destiny says.

"Yeah.   But he is gonna come through a rockstar." Chase says.

"Of course he is because he is your son." Ryan says.

They talked a little more before turning in for the night.     Destiny was snuggled up with Ryan on their cot.

"How are you doing baby?" Ryan asks kissing her shoulder.

"I am okay baby.    Just tired but okay.    I want to do this for Chase and our godson.    Also for Autumn." Destiny says.

"I know you are amazing baby." Ryan says.

"So are you baby." Destiny says kissing his lips.

"Sorry I still don't remember everything." Ryan says.

"But you will and that is all that matters.    Don't pause it but let it come naturally."Destiny says.

"I know baby.   I am not going to push it.    I just have to have faith." Destiny says.

"Yup." Ryan replies.

"Get some sleep baby.   It's going to be a long ass day." Destiny says.

"I know you too baby." Ryan says.

They share a few kisses and then they both drift off into a much needed sleep.

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