Chapter 90:

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The next morning Destiny woke up before Ryan

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The next morning Destiny woke up before Ryan. Mick was curled up with Ryan and it was the cutest thing ever. Georgia was laying with them too.

"Oh be still my heart." Destiny says to herself

She then gets up and heads down to the kitchen to make breakfast. She felt the dad could use some more cake batter waffles. She made bacon and eggs as well.

She had just finished setting the table and sitting the food down when she felt arms wrap around her waist.

"Have i told you how much I appreciate you baby." Ryan says kissing her neck.

"No but you show me every day. Where is Mick?" Destiny asks.

"She is getting a shower and getting changed. She is coming to fan fest with me." Ryan says.

"Playing hookie from school?" Destiny asks.

"Yeah I don't think she's in the right head space to be there right now. And I don't think she should be left alone." Ryan replies.

"I agree totally. Wish I could go with you guys but I have to work." Destiny says.

"Is it true they are having a dunking booth?" Ryan asks.

"Yup and all four drivers have to get in it for a bit." Destiny says.

"Oh damn wish I could come dunk Chase." Ryan says.

"Shit I wanna take a shot at Larson." Destiny says.

"Is that pompous ass still harassing you?" Ryan asks.

"Oh yes I am nothing but a homewreckering slut." Destiny says.

"What home did you wreck?" Ryan asks.

"Who knows with him. He insists that Chase and I are sleeping together." Destiny says.

"Hmm should tell him you are sleeping with us both at the same time that would really blow his mind." Ryan says.

Destiny laughs.

"Is breakfast ready?" Mick asks walking into the room.

"It is." Destiny replies.

"It smells amazing and I'm hungry to0." Mick says.

"Sit down and eat." Destiny says.

Ryan went and got the twins up and changed and bought them down. They then sit down and eat. Chase and Autumn came down with baby Chase and sat down and ate too.

"So Mick you have a choice you can either come with me to Penske or at Hendrick with Destiny." Ryan says.

"That is a hard decision." Mick says.

"Go where you want to baby girl. No hard feelings no matter where you chose." Destiny says.

"Nope not at all." Ryan replies.

"Can we take Georgia with us?" Mick asks.

"Sure sweetie. A day with my girls." Ryan says

"Sounds good and I will take Chris with me." Destiny says.

They all get ready and head out. Destiny headed to HMS with Chase, Autumn, baby Chase and Chris and Ryan headed to Penske with Mick and Georgia.

Destiny had a blast at fan fest with Chase. She loved watching him interact with his fans and that was why she loved her job. Chase was first up in the dunking booth. Destiny had to laugh every time he got dunked. It was almost his time up and Destiny went over and let Chris hit the button. It was so funny. Finally Chase got out and went to change back into his dry clothes.

"That was funny you let Chris dunk him." Autumn says.

"You should have bought lil Chase up to do the same." Destiny says.

Kyle got in the dunking booth after Chase. And of course he right away started on Destiny.

"Go dunk his butt." Autumn says.

"He don't know I played softball in school and I always have good aim."Destiny says.

"Oh I got to record this to send to Ryan." Chase says.

Destiny walked up and grabbed her three balls.

"You aren't going to dunk me skank." Kyle says.

Destiny don't reply she just lines up and launches the first ball right at the target.     As soon as Kyle got reset she threw the second ball hitting the target again sending him under the water.    Same with the third one..

"You were saying.   Looks like the skank dunked you three times in a row.    Never underestimate a girl because she was a girl.   I was a pitcher on the softball team all through out school and have various championships and trophies to back it up." Destiny says.

She then walks away back over to Chase and Autumn.  

"Get 'em girl.   Girl fucking power." Autumn says.

Destiny curtesy's.   

"That's why my Pr girl is better then yours." Chase says laughing.

Kyle was all sorts of mad.   It was funny.

"We can go now if you want to.   We served our obligation." Destiny says.

"Good because Ryan said they have rides and stuff at Penske." Chase says.

"Let's go." Autumn says.

They all head out to the car.   They then drive to Penske and park.    They head inside.   They go and find Ryan, Mick and Georgia.

"Hey baby." Ryan says kissing her.

"Hey.   Did you see I dunked Kyle?" Destiny asks.

"I did and that's the funniest shit ever." Ryan says.

"I am proud of you Mom." Mick says.

"Mama!" Georgia squeals seeing her.

"I am Glad and gets excited seeing me too." Destiny says taking her from Ryan.

They walked around and rode some rides.    They then ate some food from the food trucks.     They had hot dogs, corn dogs, tacos and pizza.    Destiny was in Heaven and she was giving the newly forming Blaney twins everything they wanted.

"Oh funnel cake!" Destiny says.

Ryan got her one and she devoured it.  He also got Mick one.

"Damn baby." Ryan says.

"What?  I was hungry." Destiny says.

"They are good." Mick says.

"Thank you." Destiny says.

They walked around a little before finally call it a day as they twins were starting to get cranky cus they we tired.     They all head back to the cars  and head back to the house.   They go inside and Ryan and Chase take care of the dogs and Blaney.      Autumn went to put Baby chase down and Destiny did the same with the twins.       They all decided to turn in.    Ryan and Destiny head to their room and get ready for bed.

"Man what a day." Destiny says.

"I know right." Ryan says.

"We better get some sleep it's going to he a long day tomorrow." Destiny says.

They end up making love a few times before snuggling together falling asleep.

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