Chapter 37:

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The next morning Destiny and Ryan woke up tangled together

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The next morning Destiny and Ryan woke up tangled together.

"Waking up tangled with you is the best." Ryan says.

"Yes I know but sadly we have to get up." Destiny says.

"I know you have to go back to work and I need to head to the shop." Ryan says.

"Umm hmm.   I can't wait to find out the big secret as to why Chase fell back like he did." Destiny says.

"Oh to be a fly on the wall in that meeting." Ryan says.

"I know right.   And then don't forget tomorrow we tape the Game night for race hub." Destiny says.

"Oh yes it's Chase and Alex vs myself and Joey right?" Ryan asks.

"Right." Destiny says.

"Okay.   Oh Bubba and Amanda are coming over as is Will and Erin and we are having tacos and margaritas.   Virgin obviously for you and Autumn." Ryan says kissing her head.

"Okay sounds like fun." Destiny says.

They both get up and get dressed.    Destiny got the twins up, fed and changed.    She then heads out to the car with them.    Thankful Chase let her bring them to work.      She heads to HMS and parks.    She heads inside.    She puts the carrier down on the floor.     A few minutes later Alex comes in with popcorn and doughnuts.

"Popcorn Alex?" Destiny asks.

"I figured we might need it for when Chase blows up on his crew." Alex says.

"Oh sweet awkward Alex I love you." Destiny says.

"I love you too Destiny.   Just don't tell Ryan I said that because I'm scared of him." Alex says.

"Scared of Ryan?   He's just a big ole teddy bear." Destiny says laughing.

"Um no more like a grizzly bear who will rip my face off.   I kinda like my face." Alex says.

Him and Destiny banter back and forth.   William shows up next with coffee and danishes.     Kyle was next followed by the three crew chiefs.    Chase and Allan were the last to arrive with the whole nine crew.   

"What happened?   I hate when I have off I am so out of the loop." Destiny says.

"Just wait for it!" Alex says handing her a bag of popcorn.  

The meeting starts.    Each team goes through their day at the track.   What can be fixed to help things be better, what went well and needs to keep happens etc.     Finally it was Chase's turn.

"What can be fixed, well for starters it would be nice if for once my over the wall crew didn't fuck me over it the pits.   I mean how the fuck do you put left tires on the right side....   And rights on the left!   Do we need to go back to grade school and learn left from right!" Chase snaps.

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