Chapter 115

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The next morning Destiny and Ryan woke up when Sturgill was licking their faces. Ryan   woke up with Sturgill licking his face.

"Hey  boy I am guessing you have to go out to the bathroom huh?" Ryan says petting his head.

"I would think that is it." Destiny says waking up too.

Leo and Luna whines trying to get Ryan's attention too.

"I will let these knuckleheads out." Ryan   says.

"Okay what is on the agenda today?" Destiny  asks.

"Exotic Animal Experience its like a zoo and then Sea World.   Oh and we are having breakfast at Chef Mickey." Ryan   says.

"Okay I will get up and get dressed while you let  the poochies out." Destiny  says.

Ryan  gets up and takes the dogs outside.  Destiny  slowly gets up heads towards the shower.   She  gets in and turns the water on.   A few minutes later she feels arms wrap around her waist and kisses placed along her neck.

"Everything okay?" Destiny  asks.

"Yeah baby.   But when  we get home we will have to take Luna  to the vet I think she might be pregnant." Ryan  says.

"Already made an appointment." Destiny  says.

"Good baby. " Ryan  says nibbling her sweet spot.

"God Ry I want you." Destiny moans.

"Take me Des." Ryan moans challenging her.

She turns and faces him pushing him onto the bench.   She then straddles his lap pushing onto him.   Ryan grabs her hips and they move together.

"god that is it." Destiny moans.

"God." Ryan groans.

He moves her hips faster and harder. 

"Oh Ry." Destiny  moans as she cums hard.

"Fuck Des." Ryan  moans cumming with her.

They ride it out.    They then get up and finish their shower.   They then head to get dressed and ready.  Once everyone was ready they head to the car and head to Chef Mickey for breakfast.   Chase  pays before they are seated.  It was buffet style but the Disney Characters served you.   Mick and the littles  got to meet and get pictures with them all as they ate.   The buffet offered everything you could imagine for breakfast.   A little bit later after they were all full they leave.

They then head to their first adventure of the day the Exotic Animal Experience.   Ryan  paid for them all.     It was a zoo type sanctuary for wild animals.   There were sloths, kangaroos, llamas, deer, Siberian Tigers, White Tigers, Bengal tigers among many other animals.   Their newest arrival was a polar bear cub.   They got to interact and play with all of the animals.   Destiny, Carrie and Mick  got to hold the Polar Bear cub.   They  fed it a bottle and snuggled with it.   Ryan and Chase  took some pictures.   They were  in their  glory.   After spending a few hours there they left and headed to Sea World.    Chase  pays for them to get in.  They then grab a map to see what they were going to do first and plan their day.

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