Chapter 141

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"I want to give you space Ryan

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"I want to give you space Ryan.    I know you don't remember so I don't want to make it awkward." Destiny says.

"Don't be stupid." Ryan Snaps.

"Ryan please I don't want to fight." Destiny says.

"I don't either but just because I can't remember don't mean you have to be uncomfortable and not sleep in your own bed." Ryan says.

"Okay."  Destiny says getting up not wanting to upset him further.

"I am not going to fucking jump you." Ryan says.

"Please don't yell at me Ryan.    I know your frustrated, trust me I get it but I'm going though it too." Destiny says tears in her eyes.

"I am sorry. Do you realize how frustrating it is to have a life and you don't remember it! I don't remember you or my fucking kids." Ryan says kicking the door frame.

"I get it Ry. Do you know how bad it sucks that I remember and you don't. You look at me and I see empty shells of what was. Its not your fault but it still sucks and it's hard for me." Destiny say.

"I am sorry. I want to remember I really do. I want my life back. Look my foundation does so much for head and brain health and here I am no the poster boy for it." Ryan says.

"Calm down Ry please. I know it's frustrating and I know it's hard but I don't know what to do. If I could, I would wave a magic wand and give you your memories back. But I can't so please don't use me as a punching bag." Destiny says putting her hand on her belly.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asks worried lacing his voice.

Last thing he wanted was something happening to those babies she was carrying because of him. He might not remember them but they were still his.

"They are fine. Another reason why I don't want to fight or argue with you is because I don't need the added stress." Destiny says.

"I know so sleep in your bed. I will go sleep in the living room." Ryan says.

"Okay." Destiny says.

They head back to the their room. Destiny goes and gets into bed. Ryan went to get a shower.

A few minutes later he comes out and changed into his night clothes and then goes to grab his pillow but it was gone. He then noticed Destiny was holding it close to her and she was crying.

He leaves the room and goes downstairs. He grabs a beer and heads out to the patio and lights a fire. Strugill was right beside him. Soon enough Chase comes out beer in hand and sits down next to him.

"What's going on?" Chase asks.

"Why is my brain doing this to me? Destiny you say is the love of my life, well I am hurting her." Ryan says.

"I don't know bud. Wish I could answer for you." Chase says.

"It pisses me off. Destiny is beautiful and I don't even remember her. Like she is a ghost." Ryan says.

"Stop forcing it ry. Just relax and let it come back on it's own. Get to know Destiny. Actually why don't you and her go out on a date tomorrow night. Carrie and I will watch the kids. She's not feeling well, this pregnancy is throwing her threw a loop so it will be good for us too." Chase says.

"Wait Carrie is pregnant?" Ryan asks.

"Yup I know it's crazy but we met and just connected on a whole new level. She really understands where I am right now because she's been there twice." Chase says.

"Are you happy?" Ryan asks.

"I am very happy despite what I went through." Chase says.

"That is all that matters your fucking happiness so fuck anyone and anything that tries to rob you of that." Ryan says.

"Thanks man your approval means more to me then anyone else's." Chase says.

"I know. I like Carrie from the little I met her. But what does your mom think about her?" Ryan asks.

"She loves her. I think they get along better then anyone I ever took to meet her. She just wants me happy." Chase says.

"Good." Ryan says.

"Now enough about me and back to the topic you are trying to avoid." Chase says.

"I don't want to hurt her Chase. What if I never get my memories of her and the kids back. I want to move on with her and make new memories but I'm scared. I'm mad because this happened. I can't kick some ass and make it right. I have to wait. We all know that's not something I like to do. " Ryan says.

"Yes I know. But look take Destiny out. It can be something simple like dinner and a movie. Talk to her, get to know her and allow yourself to feel. Destiny won't hurt you Ry I can assure you of that." Chase says.

"But can you assure me I won't hurt her. I mean she is legit crying upstairs in our bed with my pillow." Ryan says.

"Well you have got to stop lashing out at her. Yes we know you can't remember her or the kids and yes it sucks and we know it's frustrating but remember she is going through it too." Chase says.

"I can't even imagine." Ryan says softly.

"No you can't and neither can I. I am lucky you remember me and our friendship." Chase says.

"I know I am glad my brain didn't take you away from me too." Ryan says.

They drink a few more beers and chat a little more. Ryan was so thankful he had Chase. They put the fire out and head inside. Ryan walks up to his room.

Destiny had cried herself to sleep. She looked so peaceful laying there in the moonlight.

"Please brain enough with this. Let me remember her and my kids. Please." Ryan says in a silent prayer.

He grabs a pillow and blanket and climbs in bed trying not to wake her.

"Ryan?" Destiny asks softly.

"Yes it's me. Go back to sleep okay, you and those babies need it." Ryan says.

"Sorry I took your pillow. I can give it back." Destiny says

"No keep it." Ryan says.

"It smells like you." Destiny says.

"Goodnight." Ryan says turning over on his side.

His back was to her hoping that would end her conversation. He just wanted to sleep.

"Goodnight." Destiny says.

Ryan closes his eyes and soon his breath is even in sleep. Destiny cries herself back to sleep clinging to his pillow like a life line.

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