Chapter 66

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The next morning Destiny and Ryan woke up when the alarm went off

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The next morning Destiny and Ryan woke up when the alarm went off. It was a little later then they were used to getting up but neither had to go into the shop today and Chase had giving her a personal day.

"What is going on?" Ryan asks.

"Get up and get dressed. We are going on a family date night." Destiny says.

"Okay?" Ryan asks.

"I am not telling you what it is but I am pretty sure you will like it." Destiny says.

"Okay baby." Ryan says.

They both get up and get dressed.    They then take care of the twins together getting them ready.      Chase and Autumn promised to look after Sturgill and Blaney while they were out. 

They head to the car and buckle the twins in.   They then get in and Destiny headed  out.

"Where are we going?" Ryan asks.

"You will see baby." Destiny says.

They stopped at Cracker Barrel and had breakfast.    Destiny paid.    They then head back to the car and head to their first stop of the afternoon.     They head inside and Destiny pays.

"Okay so it's golf." Ryan says.

"Yup and just wait and see the theme." Destiny says.

Ryan had Georgia and Destiny had Chris.    They head inside.   Star Wars mini golf course, not only will players fight for the top overall spot amongst their group over 9 holes, but they'll also be taking part in the galaxy's biggest conflicts and playing to help their chosen side, Republic/Rebellion/Resistance or Separatist/Empire/First Order, rule or save the galaxy (depending on your perspective, of course).  Players will chose their side by selecting a ball whose color will be associated with each side (example: orange=Rebellion and black=Empire). To help your side win the galactic conflict by the end of the 9 holes, throughout each course there are various obstacles that can be hit to actually reduce a stroke from your own personal total score and add a point to your chosen side of the conflict (like Empire players should aim for the Ewoks and Rebellion players for the stormtroopers on the Endor hole). However, if a Rebellion player hits an Empire's target (like say they hit an Ewok), they'll personally lose a stroke and a point will be taken from the Rebellion as well, so weigh the risk and rewards of going after the special targets or else you might just prevent order or freedom from being brought to the galaxy (and your friends might just never let you live it down).

"Oh baby Star Wars golf.   I love you." Ryan says kissing her head.

"Love you more."  Destiny says.

They head out to play.

Hole #1 – Boonta Eve Classic – Par 5

Prove Anakin Skywalker isn't the only human who can win the Boonta Eve Classic and putt your way to the finish line like a pro podracer (optional side bets over who buys drinks or food if they score the lowest on this course are allowed, just make sure you have a chance cube handy). Podracing mini golfers will have to navigate familiar and tricky sights through this winding course, like Mushroom Mesa, Arch Canyon, and even the Canyon Dune Turn (look out for Tusken Raiders!) on their way to first place. And in case you're behind, Beggar's Canyon's infamous access ramp (no guardrails included though, because the Star Wars universe isn't very fond of them) which Anakin used to pull ahead is an just better hope the Force is strong with you (or you might find your ball out of the course and you'll be down a stroke). Republic players will want to scare away the Tuskens on the Dune Turn to protect their fellow players, while Separatists (yes, I know they weren't around at this time, but this is a miniature golf course so shush) should aim to take out the competition aka podracers nearby, though watch out what you hit since the Tuskens and podracers will be very close to one another.

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