BB12 Hayden- Who is in the Final 2?

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Requested by: @kennlees

Hayden's POV

It is finally finale night. This has been such an amazing summer. I've made so many friends that I know I will still be friends with on the outside. But most importantly I have met the most perfect girl. She is the absolute girl of my dreams. I've been in a showmance with Y/N since the beginning of summer. We kept it on the down low until the Brigade alliance found out. Now she is in the final 3 with me along with my other fellow Brigade member Lane. I have to make the hardest decision ever right now, I have to pick between Lane and Y/N to make it to the final 2 with me.

2 weeks ago Brittany found out about the Brigade and had an absolute meltdown but I somehow convinced Brittany not to tell Y/N, so she is about to be blindsided when she finds out that I am taking Lane to the final 2 instead of her. I really hope she understands it purely for game when I do this and that I love her so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

Julie comes on and tells me I now have to make my decision. Here goes nothing.


I made it to the final 3. I feel so lucky that I got to do it with Hayden by my side through it all. He has been my number 1 all summer long and I quickly fell head over heels for him. I feel so lucky to have had such a great summer. I really think that deep down, Hayden is the one I'm going to end up with for the rest of my life. Ad I honestly wouldn't have wanted to have it any other way.

"Hayden it's time to make the final eviction of the summer." Julie comes on the TV and says.

"This is not easy at all. But Y/N this whole summer I've been in a secret alliance called the Brigade with Enzo, Matt, and Lane. I hope you know that I love you so much and this is not personal at all, purely strategic. If I take you to the final 2, I wouldn't win. So I sadly vote to evict Y/N" Hayden explains.

I give Hayden and Lane a quick hug and walk out the door. So much is running through my mind right now. It hurts but I just hope Hayden made the right decision taking Lane and that he wins. If he doesn't we will have problems. I know that Hayden still loves me so I think we can still make this work.

*Time Skip*

"Congratulations Hayden, you are the winner of Big Brother season 12! Come on out here" Julie announces.

Hayden walks out of the house and the confetti goes off. Hayden immediately finds me first and gives me a bone crushing hug.

"I'm so sorry beautiful. I hope your not mad" Hayden whispers in my ear. I lean in and I kiss Hayden. Hayden kisses back and dips.

"I forgive you" I smile.

I may not have won the money but I did win one thing. The man I am going to spend the rest of my life with. And the key to Hayden's heart.

Word Count: 562

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