BB16 Amber- Heartbreak

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Requested by: @Survivor1010


I entered the house saying that I would not be in a showmance but all that went out the window the second I laid eyes on Amber. I am in a secret showmance with her and I couldn't be happier. Sadly, we have to be in a secret showmance since Caleb has this weird obsessive crush on Amber.

I am currently brushing my teeth when Amber enters the bathroom and stands in front of me with a smile on her face. "Hi beautiful" I say as I spit my toothpaste into the sink.

"Hi handsome" she says. I look around my surrounds to make sure no one is there before I place a kiss on her lips.

"Gosh I am so in love with you" Amber giggles as she kisses me back. We continue to make out for a little while longer until we hear a noise that causes us to jump. We hear Caleb clear his throat.

He looks at us like we betrayed him. "Sorry I needed to go the bathroom. Didn't know I was interrupting something" Caleb says as he walks into the bathroom.

*time skip*

a few days have passed since Caleb has caught us making out in the bathroom. And it almost feels like the entire house is avoiding us. Hayden just won the veto and i have a gut feeling that he is going to use the veto and put up either me or Amber.

"Hi everyone, it's time for the veto ceremony" Hayden says breaking me out of my thoughts.

"This is the veto meeting. Frankie has nominated Jocasta and Victoria for nomination. But I have the power to veto one of the nominations. I have decided to use the veto on Victoria" Hayden says.

"I hate to do this because you are such a sweet girl, but I really need Caleb to get his head back in this game and that means you need to go home this week. Amber take a seat" Frankie says.

*time skip*

After everyone came up to Amber and gave her hugs, it just left me and her in the have not room. I hold her in my arms as she begins to cry. "Don't cry pretty girl. You are too pretty to cry" I say trying my best to comfort her.

"This sucks" She cries. "I literally have done nothing in this house. It's all Caleb's fault"

"I know sweet girl. I know" I run my hand through her hair.

"The only thing that makes me feel better about this is that I have you. Thank you for being my person in here" she continues.

"How the hell am I supposed to survive in this house and in the jury house without you?" I question as we just lay in comfortable silence.

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