BB16 Zach- Alliances

802 9 2

Requested by: @kennlees


I just recently got in a brand new alliance. I'm in an alliance with Christine, Derrick, Frankie, and Zach. We are called the Detonators and I feel so safe.

I talk to Zach on the hammock about our alliance.

"I feel safe with our alliance. How do you fee Zach?" I ask Zach as I start to cuddle into his chest on the hammock.

"I feel great. And I feel confident we can get far with that alliance." Zach responds.

"If I'm being honest right now there are 2 people who I trust the most." I tell Zach.

"Really? Who are they?" Zach questions.

"You and Derrick." I say.

"I trust you too (y/n). We should make a final 2." Zach tells me.

"I'm totally down. Let's make it to the final 2 Zach. Pinky promise?" I ask.

"Pink promise (y/n). I trust you." Zach says which makes me smile.

"Now we both have to make sure we can keep each other safe and our alliance." Zach sighs as he starts playing with my hair.

"God. I am so in love with you Zach." I whisper.

"What was that (y/n)?" But Zach is interrupted by my lips connecting with him.

"I love you too (y/n)." Zach pulls me closer.

Word count: 242

I'm so sorry of this imagine sucked. I'm familiar with big brother 16, but I don't remember much.

Big Brother Imagines (REQUESTS OPEN)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora