BB24 Turner- Friends into Lovers

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Requested by: @fictionalfandoms33

Y/n's POV

I have been really good friends with Turner since the first day I walked into the house. Our relationship just kept on getting better as time went by.

(Day 1)

"Hey, I just want to let you know that I have your back if anything ever happens to you" I say to Turner.

"Thanks. I got your back too" Turner hugs me.

(Day 3)

I just got put on the block and it sucks being one of the first people on the block.

"Hey" Turner grabs my face and I look him in his eyes.

"This isn't over okay? You still have veto. Pick me and I will use the veto on you. You are my number one and I can't lose you." Turner says.

"Thanks Turner" I smile and I give a big hug and he hugs me back.

(Day 4)

Turner just won the veto. Turner grabs my hand and leads me into the storage room. Once the door shuts behind us, I jump into Turner's arms and I wrap my legs around his waist.

"That's my best friend" I say.

"So you're using the veto on me?" I laugh.

"Hmm. Let me think. Without a doubt in my mind" Turner smiles.

(Day 9)

We finally got the backyard and I'm so excited to soak up as much sun as I can.

Turner jumps on my back and I carry him outside. I carefully place him on the ground. He grabs me so that I'm on the ground with him.

"Hi" Turner laughs.

"Hi" I smile.

(Day 13)

I walk into the upstairs lounge and when Turner sees me, he smiles.

"I missed you today" Turner pats next to him and I sit next to him, laying my head in his lap. Turner runs his fingers through my hair.

"You're my favorite person in this house" Turner says.

"Same" I say.

(Day 17)

"Congratulations (y/n), you are the Head of Household" Julie says.

Turner runs to me and jumps into my arms and gives me a bone crushing hug.

"That's my best friend" Turner tells the entire house.

"I'm so proud" Turner holds my face.

"Thanks" I smile.

(Current time)

Everyone is in bed besides me and Turner. We are chilling in the bathroom. Turner is laying his head on my lap and I'm running my fingers through his hair.

"I'm so glad I have you in this house (y/n)" Turner says.

"Me too" I smile to myself.

"Have you ever thought of us as more than just frien—" I get cut off my Turner's lips touching mine.

"You don't even know how long I waited to do that" Turner smiles.

"You are such a great person (y/n) and I'm just happy that you're my person" Turner says.

"I love you Turner" I kiss Turner.

"I love you too (y/n)" Turner kisses me back.

Word count: 489

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