BB24 Turner- Asking for Advice

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Requested by: @schaenzerlauren14

Y/n's POV

I am currently in a pickle. Not literally but my situation. You see, I really like Turner. A lot. But the thing is he has a girlfriend back at home. I don't know what to do. A part of me wishes I could be with him and tell him how I feel. But another part of me wants to respect his relationship with his girlfriend back home.

I can't let my mind keep on wondering about the what if's. I get up and I find Brittany and Taylor in the upstairs lounge.

"Hey girlies" I wave.

"What's up (y/n)?" Brittany asks.

"My mind is just racing" I say.

"What about?" Taylor looks at me confused.

"It's about Turner" I sigh.

"Oh" Taylor and Brittany respond at the same time.

"Can I ask you girls for some advice? I'm really stumped on what to do" I ask.

"We would love to help you." Taylor smiles.

"Ok so here is the situation. I really like Turner. Like more than a friend. But the thing is he has a girlfriend back at home. Half of me doesn't care and wants to be with him right this instant. The other half doesn't want to mess up Turner's relationship with his girlfriend back home." I explain.

"Hmmm. That is a really tricky situation" Brittany says.

"What do you think I should do?" I ask.

"Do you want the truth?" Taylor asks.

"Yeah" I smile.

"Truth. I think you should tell Turner how you feel. But tell him you are going to put your feelings away. That you don't want to ruin his relationship with his girlfriend back home. But if something happens and they break up after the show, tell him you'll be here." Taylor explains.

"Yeah I agree. That is definitely the right way to do it" Brittany adds in.

"Thanks. Group hug" I say and I wrap my arms around Taylor and Brittany.

*time skip*

I enter into Turner's HOH room. Luckily it's just me and Turner. It's now or never to tell Turner how I feel.

"Hey Turner. Can I talk to you?" I ask as I sit down on the bed next to him.

"Sure." Turned says.

"I'm just going to go out and say it. Turner I like you. Like a lot. More than a friend. But I am going to put my feelings aside in this game. I know you have Megan back home who you love so much. I don't want to ruin your relationship. But if something does ever happen between the 2 of you after the show. I will be waiting." I say with a year slipping out towards the end of my speech.

"Wow. That's a lot to take in. But I am really appreciative that you are respecting my relationship back home with Megan." Turner smiles.

"Of course. It's the right thing to do" I say.

Word count: 492


Do you want a part 2?

Also I am going back to school soon so updates will be a little slower but they will still end up being done.

Have a beautiful day or night! :)


Emily <3

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