BB24 Pooch- Heat of the Moment

444 10 2

Requested by: @boredgurl12398


Jasmine just won HOH and I want to make sure whoever the house wants to go home, goes home. So I decided to offer myself up as a pawn. Apparently word has gotten out about that so now the whole house knows I'm going to be the pawn for the week.

"Hey (y/n), can I talk to you?" Pooch asks.

"Yeah, let's head to the bathroom and talk" I say and we walk to the bathroom together.

"What's up?" I smile.

"Why did you offer yourself up as a pawn?" Pooch asks annoyed.

"I want to make sure whoever the house wants to go home, leaves" I answer.

"Sometimes plans don't work and the pawn goes home" Pooch says.

"Hey chill. I'm going to make sure I stay. I'll even go and try in the veto" I say.

"You better." Pooch whispers under his breath.

"What is your problem Pooch?" I ask starting to get annoyed.

"You don't understand the affect you have on people" Pooch answers.

"What the hell does that mean?" I say getting more and more heated by the second.

"Everyone in this house loves you (y/n) what if the vote flips and you go home?" Pooch says.

"It won't happen" I raise my voice.

"I can't lose you in this house. You're the only person I actually like in this house" Pooch says raising his voice too.

"Why are you acting this way?" I ask.

"Because I am in love with you" Pooch says but then his face turns red.

"I'm in love with you (y/n) and I don't want to lose you. Not this early on in the game." Pooch continues.

I lean in and kiss Pooch on the lips.

"Don't cry" I say wiping the tears from Pooch's face.

"I'm just making sure you are stuck with me in this house with me for another week" Pooch admits.

"Everything is going to work out fine and next week we will be cuddling in the HOH room when I win" I brag.

"I love you so much (y/n)" Pooch kisses me.

"I love you too" I kiss Pooch back.

Pooch wraps his arms around me in a hug and I lean my face into his chest.

"I feel so safe when I'm with you Pooch" I smile.

"I feel the same way" Pooch hugs me tight before letting go of the hug.

Pooch wraps his arm around me and we walk out of the bathroom together. Pooch gives Kyle a quick glance.

"It's about damn time" Kyle says which causes us to laugh.

"What?" Joseph asks.

"He finally expressed his feeling toward (y/n)" Kyle explains.

"Love birds in the big brother house" Joseph teases.

word count: 463


continue to request!

have a beautiful day :)


emily <3

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