BB24 Monte- Swaying the Vote

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Requested by: @CO1162

Y/n's POV

It's the final HOH of the summer and I am competing against Michael. I turn my box to A.

"The correct answer is... A. Congratulations (y/n), you are the final Head of Household for the summer. In a few minutes you will have to decide who you want to sit with in the final 2 chairs" Julie announces.

"(y/n) please go to the head of the living room and cast the final vote to evict" Julie says.

I stand at the front of the living room. I make eye contact with Turner and Michael. I take a deep breath and begin my speech.

"I have had a wonderful summer with both of you. This is not an easy decision, but this is strictly game. I vote to evict Michael. I'm so sorry I just don't see myself winning against you." I say.

"It's official Michael, you have been evicted from the big brother house and you are the final juror." Julie pops in and says.

Monte's POV

Michael just joined us at the round table jury. The final 2 is (y/n) and Turner and my goal is to get the jury to vote for (y/n) to win. (y/n) has been the true mastermind this season.

The jury is officially full. It consists of Indy, Jasmine, Joseph, Kyle, Alyssa, Taylor, Brittany, Michael, and myself.

"Who here thinks (y/n) played the best game?" Dr Will asks.

A few people, including myself raise our hands.

"Monte why do you think (y/n) played a better game compared to Turner?" Dr Will asks me.

"It's honestly quite simple. (y/n) has been the house target since week one. No one has been able to evict (y/n). (y/n) fought every single week for safety. There were times we all tried to evict (y/n) but something would happen where we would suddenly see a bigger target then (y/n). (y/n) is the mastermind of this season. Anyone who got in (y/n)'s way is now sitting in this jury. While yes, if Turner didn't win week 3 HOH he would have been next to go and he formed a good alliance. He was the first to turn on that alliance in week 8. (y/n) was loyal to the people (y/n) trusted and only broke (y/n)'s word when it was way later in the game." I explain.

Everyone looks at me in shock. I think I just swayed some people to vote for (y/n) and I couldn't be more excited.

Y/n's POV

"One at a time I will who each of the jury voted for to become the winner of big brother 24" Julie says.

"Indy has voted for (y/n)"

"Jasmine has voted for (y/n)"

"Joseph has voted for Turner"

"That is 2 votes (y/n) and 1 vote Turner"

"Kyle has voted for Turner"

"Alyssa has voted for Turner"

"That is 3 votes Turner and 2 votes (y/n)"

"Taylor has voted for (y/n)"

"It is currently a tie. 3 votes (y/n), 3 votes Turner"

"Brittany has voted for Turner"

"Michael has voted for (y/n)"

"It all comes down to Monte."

"Monte has voted for (y/n). Congratulations (y/n) you are the winner of big brother 24! Come on out here!" Julie say.

I give Turner a quick hug and I walk outside being sprayed with confetti.

I immediately find Monte and give him a big hug.

Word count: 593

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