BB20 Brett- Cold?

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Requested by: tiffxoxo121597


It's late at night and everyone is already asleep, besides the level 6 alliance. I feel really thankful to apart of such an amazing alliance. I've become really good and close friends with each and every one apart of the level 6 alliance.

But out of everyone in level 6, I feel the closest with Brett. We are not in a showmance but I would call it a flirtmance.

I'm gathered around the hammock with the level 6 alliance. I'm on the hammock with Brett. Angela, Rachel, Winston, Kaycee and Tyler are sitting around the hammock.

"I still can't get over everyone's face when Julie announced the vote" Tyler laughs.

"By a vote of 7-6, Steve you are evicted from the Big Brother house" Winston says.

"Shock was on everyone's face. That was when they realized they don't have the numbers they thought they had" I laugh.

"It's so funny to me that they think they have the votes to keep Swaggy this week" Brett adds.

"It's getting late, I'm going to head in and get ready for bed" Kaycee yawns. Everyone gets up leaving just me and Brett on the hammock together.

"Then there were 2" I shiver.

"Are you cold?" Brett asks.

"Just a little" I say.

"Come here" Brett opens his arms for me. I happily take up his offer and I cuddle into Brett.

"Better?" Brett asks.

"Much better" I blush.

"I have something really important to tell you" Brett says.

"I really really like you. I don't want to be in a flirtmance anymore. I want to take our relationship to the next level. I want to be in a showmance with you" Brett explains and my checks turn red.

"Hey, you don't need to worry. I love every part of you. I want you to know that you don't have to be shy around me" Brett looks at my red cheeks.

"I really like you too Brett. I would love to be in a showmance with you." I say.

Brett leans in and kisses my lips and I kiss back.

"Thank you for making me feel so comfortable." I smile.

"Of course" Brett kisses the top of my head.

"I'm so ready to have such an amazing summer with you" I lean more into Brett's chest.

"I'm already having the best summer with you" Brett wraps his arms around me.

I want to be stuck in this moment forever.

Word count: 415

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