BB10 Dan- Encouragement

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Requested by: @Garden_rose_1197

Y/n's POV

I am currently competing to become the next head of household. It's an iconic competition right now and it's the wall comp. I really want to win this competition so I can keep myself safe and so I can control how this week goes. Plus I kind of have a crush on Dan and I want to keep him safe this week as well. At the moment, Dan and I are just really good friends, but I secretly want to be more.

It's between me and 3 other players. Still holding on the wall right now is me, Renny, April, and Michelle.

"Renny you're 54 years old. No one in you're entire life has given you a chance. It's you against the rest of the world. You've got the man of your life, Patrick. And right now, he's watching with a tear in his eye, might I add. And he said, I don't know my wife was tougher than even me. But would your family want you to come down? I don't think so" Dan says to encourage Renny.

Dan says he has more motivational speeches for the others and Michelle takes hers.

"You're in a little different situation. You're from the smallest state in the entire country. I'm going to challenge your toughness right now! Because guess what? If you lay down, Rhode Island— smallest state in the nation— it's small for a reason, because they're weak. Or you can say, hey, I'm putting Rhode Island on the map right now!" Dan says to Michelle.

A few minutes go by and I'm in the zone. Then I look over to me and I watch Renny fall.

"Good job Renny" I say.

It's now between me, Michelle, and April. I need to win this.

"Ok Dan, I'm ready" April says.

"It's 27-27– triple overtime. We have a beautiful blonde, hailing from Nebraska. You've spent everything left in the tank. You got your boyfriend watching you. You have your twin sister, her husband, your mom and dad— they're watching you right now. And they're thinking, we know April's tough. But is she tough enough to win this HOH? I don't know. They're questioning themselves right now. It's up to you to ask yourself this question, how bad do you want it? And do you even want it? Because when this is over, you can never come back here, ever! You're never going to be hanging on a building ever again. So if you let go, be ready to deal with that for the rest of your life." Dan says to April.

More time passes and Michelle drops, now it's just between me and April.

"Alright Dan, give me my speech" I say.

"(y/n) you're holding on for dear life. This is a do of die situation in this house. Your family back home is watching and they believe in you. But the question to ask here is, do you believe in yourself? Do you think you can actually win this HOH? You are never going to get a redo so you better hold on for as long as you can. So many people are saying (y/n) can't do this. Are you going to prove them wrong? Or let the haters win? It's in your hands now. I can't win this HOH for you. No one can but yourself." Dan says.

After making some deals with April, April drops.

I jump off and lay there for a few seconds. April crawls over to me and gives me a hug. Then Dan gets up on the safety mat.

"Congrats you absolutely killed it" Dan engulfs me in a hug.

"Thanks for believing in me Dan" I cry.

"You believed in yourself. That was all you" Dan tells me.

*time skip*

Everyone left my HOH room, but I decided to let Dan stay back so I can tell him something important.

"Dan, I have something to tell you" I say.

"What's up?" Dan asks.

"I really like you. Look, I understand if you don't feel the same way, I just had to tell yo—" I get cut off by Dan's lips gently touching mine. I kiss him back.

"I feel the same exact way (y/n)" Dan tells me.

"I love you Dan" I kiss Dan.

"I love you too (y/n)" Dan kisses me back.

Word count: 734

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