BB23 Xavier- Talks and Cooking

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Requested by: @CO1162


I've been in the big brother house for almost a month now and I have absolutely fallen in love with Xavier. It's just everything about Xavier that I love.

I'm currently have my head in Xavier's lap and Xavier is playing with my hair.

"Tell me about your family (y/n)." Xavier says still playing with my hair.

"Well there's my mom. She's practically my best friend. I always go to her for advice and stuff. There's my dad, he teaches me all the manly things in life like how to change a tire. There's my brother. He's younger than me but he's so funny and he never fails to make me laugh. That's my family. Oh yeah can't forget my 2 dogs" I tell Xavier.

"Your family sounds great (y/n). I can't wait to meet them" Xavier says which makes me smile.

"You really want to meet them?" I ask.

"Of course I do Angel" Xavier pushes the hair out of my face and places a kiss on my lips.

"That makes me so happy. I love you so much Xavier" I smile and kiss Xavier.

*time skip*

It's time for me to start making dinner. I decided it would be fun to make dinner along with Xavier. He's helping me too.

I am making hot dogs and hamburgers. I put on my apron and Xavier wraps his arm around my waist and twirls me so that I'm facing him.

"Goddamn woman. You are so hot" Xavier whispers in my ear.

I giggle and continue to make dinner. I cook the hot dogs and hamburgers on the mini grill we have in the house.

I start a pile of hot dogs and another pile of hamburgers.

"Xavier I'm almost done. Can you please get out the buns and condiments?" I ask.

"Anything for you beautiful" Xavier playfully bows down to me.

I finally finish dinner and we are all enjoying the dinner I made. I'm sitting next to Xavier.

"I can't wait until you make dinner for our little family (y/n)" Xavier says and I smile.

"I am so in love with you Xavier" I say back and I place a kiss on his lips.

Word count: 377

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