BB24 Turner- Turner's HOH

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Requested by: @NASCARluver2448


I'm in a showmance with Turner and it's really important that one of us is wins HOH because neither of us knew that the vote was going to be in favor of Taylor staying until a few hours before. I feel like we are on the outs and in order to makes sure one of us stays, one of us needs to win HOH.

"I'm sorry (y/n), you have been eliminated. Go sit down at an empty table or with a festie bestie. Remember the person who wins HOH will be able to join a festie bestie and be the 3rd person in their group." Jasmine says.

I decide to sit next to Jasmine and I just hope that if Turned wins he will chose our group.

It's the final round now and it's between, Ameerah and Turner. Turner needs this win so bad.

"Congratulations Turner, you are the new Head of Household" Jasmine announces and gives Turner the HOH key.

"But first pick a group of festie besties to join" Jasmine says.

"I am going to join Jasmine and (y/n)" Turner says.

We enter the house and I jump into Turners arms. I wrap my legs around his waist and Turner holds me tight.

"Thanks for keeping both of us safe babes" I kiss Turner of the lips and he kisses me back.

"I'm just glad I get to cuddle with you in the HOH bed" Turner smiles.

*time skip*

Everyone has left Turner's HOH room and now it's just me and Turner cuddling in the HOH bed.

"This is everything I have dreamed of and more" I mumble into Turner's chest.

"If this is a glimpse of what it will be like when we get out of this house, it feels amazing" Turner says.

"So what are your plans for this week?" I ask.

"I think I'm going to put up Michael and Brittany as pawns. Then I think I want to backdoor Taylor" Turner explains.

"Whatever you want, I'm all the way in" I kiss Turner.

"I am so in love with you" Turner kisses me back.

*time skip*

It's been 2 days and Turner put Michael and Brittany on the block. I hope they can win the veto to take themselves down so we can go through with backdooring Taylor.

Jasmine just passed out and we can't compete anymore. Now it's up to Brittany and Michael to win.

*time skip*

Michael and Brittany won so Turners plan is in full force. But I think we are doing something different now.

Last night I was confronted with Turner, Michael, Brittany, Joseph, Kyle, Monte, and Taylor. We formed an alliance called the leftovers and now we are going to nominate Terrance and Ameerah, with our target being Ameerah since she was the ring leader who got Pooch evicted.

"Are we really going through with this?" I ask as I cuddle into Turner.

"Hell yes. It's a fire move" Turner responds.

"Let's do this thing" I kiss Turner on the lips and fall asleep in his arms.

*time skip*

It's been a few days and Turner followed through with putting up Terrance and Ameerah. The leftovers have the votes to evict Ameerah and it's game over for her.

I enter the diary room and cast my vote to evict.

"Hi (y/n)" Julie says.

"Hi Julie" I wave.

"Please cast your vote to evict" Julie says.

"For Turner, I happily vote to evict Ameerah" I smile.

"Thank you" Julie says and I exit the diary room.

*time skip*

Ameerah was just evicted and now it's between me and Alyssa for HOH. I need to keep the leftovers in power but more importantly keep Turner safe.

"Congratulations (y/n), you are the new head of household" Turner gives me the key and I place a kiss on his lips.

Word count: 650

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