BB3 Eric- Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

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Requested by: @TayaLoP

Y/n's POV

It's no secret that this summer both Roddy and Eric have feelings for me. I like both of them equally and I am struggling with how to decide which one gets to be with me. I sit down next to Danielle Reyes and sigh.

"How are you doing (y/n)?" Danielle asks me.

"I'm conflicted" I answer truthfully.

"Does this have to do anything with Roddy and Eric?" She questions.

"Yeah," I laugh.

"Tell me your situation again," She says.

"Roddy and Eric confronted me yesterday and told me that I need to decide which one I want to be with. And I don't know how to choose without hurting the other person's feelings" I explain.

"I have a solution for you," Danielle tells me. "Make them have a competition in the backyard. Whoever wins, gets to be with you" She suggests.

"That is such a great idea" I squeal in excitement. "Thank you so much, Danielle!" I hug her as I walk out of the room.

*time skip*

Everyone is now in the backyard eager to watch the competition between Roddy and Eric. "Welcome everyone! Today's competition is between Roddy and Eric! In this competition they will run in a full circle around the backyard and whoever does it in the fastest time win! The catch is that they will have to run with me on their back. Whoever wins will get to be with me" I explain.

Roddy is first. I get on his back and wait for the rest of the houseguests to give us the go ahead. "Go" they yell! As Roddy and I make our way around the backyard we hear the houseguests count, letting us know how long it takes him to run. Roddy finally makes his way to back and finishes with a time of 1:15 seconds.

Eric is next. I jump on his back and smile as he begins to run around the backyard. Eric ends up making his way back in a time of 45 seconds which means I get to be with Eric.

Eric does a victory lap with me on his back, causing me to laugh. He drops me softly on the ground. He lays down next to me and kisses my lips.

"Winner winner chicken dinner" He says in celebration. "This is the best prize I have ever won!"

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