BB24 Joseph- Becoming a Dad

367 3 2

Requested by: @lydia_mack_3

Y/n's POV

I have been with Joseph for 3 years since we left the big brother house. Last summer we ended up getting married and now our family is starting to grow.

I just found out I am pregnant and I'm about to surprise Joseph. I got a letter board and wrote 'hi dad, I can't wait to meet you.' Along with my positive pregnancy test. I place it down on the counter and go get Joseph.

"Hey babe. I have a surprise for you. I'm going to cover your eyes and you just have to trust me" I say.

"Ok beautiful" Joseph kisses my lips and I put my hands over Joseph's eyes so he can't see. I lead us to the kitchen counter.

"Ok, 3...2....1" I remove my hands from Joseph's eyes and he sees what's in front of him.

"No way. Are you being for real?" Joseph asks with tears in his eyes.

"Yeah. We are going to be parents" I smile. Joseph engulfs me know a big hug and begins to cry.

"I'm so happy" Joseph cries, which causes me to cry too.

"I'm so excited to start a family with you" I say.

"Me too" Joseph smiles.

*time skip*

Today is our first doctors appointment to see the baby. Joseph is absolutely over the moon and he is really excited.

We walk into the room and I sit down. The doctor places some cold gel on my belly and on the screen we see our baby. Joseph holds my hand and a smile never leaves his face.

"That's your baby" the doctor says and we look at the screen in awe.

Then the doctor puts another machine on my belly and we can head the heart rate. This is when Joseph begins to cry.

"Awww. It's okay love" I hug Joseph.

"I just love this kid so much already" Joseph sniffles and then kisses me on the lips.

*time skip*

Today is my gender reveal party. We invited everyone from our season on big brother. Joseph and I both think that we are having a girl.

"Are you ready?" I ask Joseph with a big smile.

"I'm so ready" Joseph smiles.

"3...2...1..." Everyone counts down.

We twist our poppers and it reveals a pink confetti.

"It's a girl" I say as I kiss Joseph.

I begin to cry and so does Joseph.

"You are going to be such a good mom (y/n)" Joseph says.

"You are going to be the ultimate girl dad" I laugh.

"I love you and baby girl so much already" Joseph smiles.

*time skip*

I'm due in a few days and Joseph is soaking up all the time he can with my belly. He rubs my belly all the time. He feels when baby girl kicks. And at night he talks to her.

"Hi baby girl. It's me, your dad. I'm so excited to met you. You are so loved" Joseph says to my belly.

"All right let's go to bed" I say.

I get up and then water gushes down my leg.

"Joseph, my water just broke" I say. Joseph immediately goes upstairs to get my hospital bag.

We get in the car and Joseph speeds all the way to the hospital.

*time skip*

"One more push and baby girl will be here" the doctor says.

I grab Jospeh's hand and he whispers sweet nothings in my ear. Then my world is changed forever.

I hear a cry.

The doctor pulls baby girl on my chest and she continues to cry her lungs out. Joseph and I just look at her and cry together.

"You did so good" Joseph kisses me.

"She's perfect" Joseph tells me.

"I love you so much" Joseph looks me in my eyes and kisses me.

"Dad, do you want to cut the umbilical cord?" The doctor asks.

Joseph smiles and nods his head yes. He goes over and cuts her umbilical cord.

*time skip*

It's now the next day and we promised the god parents they could come and meet baby girl. We finally agreed on a name so when the god parents come we will tell them.

Taylor walks in first. She walks straight towards me and gives me a hug.

"Hi mama. How you feeling?" Taylor asks as she sits down next to me.

"I'm doing great." I smile.

Then Turner walks into the room and gives me a hug too.

"Congrats (y/n). That's fire" Turner smiles.

Yep. We decided to pick Taylor and Turner as her god parents.

Joseph walks in holing baby girl and hands her to Taylor to hold.

"We want you to meet, Penelope." Joseph says. Turner gets up and hugs Joseph.

"Congrats my dude" Turner says.

"(y/n) she is absolutely beautiful" Taylor says looking at Penelope in her arms. Taylor then gives Penelope to Turner and Turner just smiles at her.

"You guys made a pretty baby" Turner says.

I'm so lucky to have such good people in my life. And I'm even luckier to have such a beautiful little family with Joseph.

Word count: 859


This request was really fun to do! Definitely let me know if you want more imagines like these!



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