BB23 Alyssa- Frenchie's Chaotic HOH

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Requested by: @NASCARluver2448


"Goodnight houseguests" Julie says and we walk into the house.

I immediately go to introduce myself to my teammate Alyssa.

"Hey girl. My name is (y/n)." I say as I hold my hand out to shake Alyssa's hand.

"Hi. I'm Alyssa." Alyssa smiles at me.

"I have a really good feeling about you. I think we will be really good friends." I say still smiling.

"Me too. We should get our beds next to each other" Alyssa squeals.

"I would love that. I just want to let you know that I have your back." I smile.

"Same. You are my ride or die." Alyssa hugs me and we go to get our beds next to each other.

*time skip*

It is time for the nomination ceremony and I'm nervous. I am just hoping he doesn't nominate me or Alyssa since Christian and Xavier are safe for the week.

I sit by Alyssa and give her a reassuring smile.

Frenchie walks in with the nomination box in his hand and reveals his nominees.

Alyssa and Kyland.

"I nominated you Kyland and you Alyssa because last night I had a dream. I had a dream I went fishing. And in order to catch a big fish you need the perfect bait. Kyland I want you to go out and win veto. This nomination ceremony is adjourned." Frenchie says.

I get up and hug Alyssa as she starts to cry.

"Hey. It'll be okay. I promise. You aren't out of it yet. We still have veto." I tell her as she continues to cry.

"Look at me Alyssa. As long as I'm in the house I will not let my final two and ride or die go home" I comfort her.

"Thanks for being an amazing friend (y/n)" Alyssa says.

After the nomination ceremony our entire team goes to the have not room since we are have nots for the week.

"I just don't understand why me" Alyssa cries.

"We should go ask him. It'll be okay Alyssa" I say as I give her another hug before we go ask Frenchie why he nominated Alyssa.

*time skip*

It's time for the veto competition and I pray I get picked.

It all comes down to Alyssa and my chip has yet been picked.

Alyssa reaches into the bag and picks a chip.

"Houseguest choice" Alyssa announces.

Alyssa puts her hand on her chin and happily says, "hmmm. This is hard. Just kidding I pick (y/n)"

I squeal and run up there and hug her.

"Girl I'm going to win this veto so I'm safe and you are safe too. I promise you girlie" I tell her.

Alyssa smiles and we both laugh.

*time skip*

"Congratulations (y/n). You have won the golden power of veto" Derek F says as he places the veto around my neck.

I immediately run into Alyssa's arms and hug her. I look her in her eyes and I say, "we are both safe this week"

"Yessss bitches. We are safe" Alyssa yells.

*time skip*

"I have decided to use the power of veto. On my girl Alyssa" I say as I put the veto around Alyssa neck and give her a hug.

"Us until the end girlie. You aren't going home week one" I whisper into her ear which makes both of us smile.

Frenchie replaces Alyssa's nomination with Travis and I end the veto ceremony.

"I'm so happy we are both staying this week. I'm so proud of you girlie." I hug her one more time.

I'm so glad I have Alyssa in the house with me.

Word count: 611

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