BB24 (male x male) Michael- Cries and Cuddles

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Requested by: @R4YK1NN1E

Y/n's POV

Today has been a really hard day for me. I've just been really sad today and I can't get out of this sad mood.

I begin to cry and I just let the tears flow thinking that maybe after I cry and let it all out that I will feel better.

I hear footsteps enter the room and I try to wipe my tears away to make it look like I wasn't crying.

"Hey (y/n)" Michael smiles.

"Hey" I choke out.

"Woah. We're you just crying?" Michael asks.

I can't hold it in anymore and I just burst into tears again. Michael walks over to me and hugs me.

"It's ok" Michael rubs his hand on my back.

Michael lays onto the bed and I lay on his chest. Michael has one hand rubbing my back. His other hand he uses to gently run his fingers through my hair.

I eventually calm down and somewhat compose myself.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Michael asks.

"It's going to be really dumb" I laugh while still crying a little bit

"I won't judge you. I promise" Michael holds out his hand for a pinky promise. I link my pinky with his and we both kiss our thumbs.

"Fine. I was crying because I really miss my cats" I admit.

"Awww. That's actually really sweet. I miss my cats too" Michael says.

"What's your cats names?" Michael asks.

"Buttercup and Ed Sheeran" I say.

"I have to ask now. What breed are they?" Michael asks again.

"Orange Tabby." I say.

"Oh that makes so much sense. I love it. That totally seems like you." Michael laughs.

"I know" I say.

"Thanks for not judging me" I smile.

"Oh my gosh no. I totally understand how you feel" Michael reassures me.

"I know how it feels. My cats are like my kids" Michael says.

"Exactly" I say.

"Everyone thinks I'm crazy when I say that" Michael laughs.

"Oh me too" I say.

"You have a really great smile. And laugh" Michael says.

"You are so sweet Michael. I love your smile and laugh too" I say.

"Thanks for comforting me over me missing my cats" I laugh.

"Anytime." Michael smiles.

"I'm here for you if you ever feel said about your cats again" Michael tells me.

"Thanks." I smile.

Word count: 397

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