BB24 Pooch- Confrontation and Tears

325 6 2

Requested by: @boredgurl12398


I'm in a showmance with Pooch and he is honestly the best. Pooch makes me the happiest in this house and I'd honestly be so lost without him.

While I have been getting along really well with Pooch and pretty much everyone else in the house, there is one person who I cannot stand.


She is just not that nice to me and is spreading nasty rumors about me behind my back that is not true and it's putting a giant target on my back.

I enter the bathroom and Nicole is in there alone. She's crying and as much as I don't like her she is still a person and she should have people be kind to her.

"Hey Nicole? Are you okay?" I ask as I place a hand on her back.

"Fuck you (y/n). Can you just leave me the fuck alone? You are so fucking annoying and fake. Absolutely no one in this house likes you. And I can't wait to flip you off as you exit the house." Nicole screams causing everyone to enter the bathroom to watch this fight take place.

"No fuck you Nicole. I have been nothing but kind to you even though you have been spreading nasty ass rumors that are not even true. I walked into this house being myself and I have never changed one bit. So if you don't like me for who I am, then I don't fucking care." I yell back.

"Fuck you (y/n). I am never talking to you again. See you never bitch" Nicole brushes past me and exits the bathroom.

"It would be an honor if you never talk to me again." I say.

Everyone looks at me like I'm such an evil and bad person for saying that to Nicole. But I don't care. I said what I had to to Nicole.

Everyone leaves the room besides Pooch and I just let my tears fall. And I let myself fall apart.

"I'm so sorry baby" Pooch hugs me tight and kisses the top of my head.

"She is such a fucking bitch" I say.

"I know. She has got to go next." Pooch comforts me.

"Thank you for being so kind to me" I cry.

"You deserve the absolute best. And even more" Pooch kisses my lips.

"You are the strongest people & have ever met." Pooch tells me.

"We are such a bad ass duo" I laugh.

"Total bad ass" Pooch smiles.

"Are you going to be okay baby?" Pooch asks.

"Yeah. I'll be just fine. Thank you for everything." I kiss Pooch's lips and smile.

Word count: 446

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