BB23 (male x male) Derek X- Videos from Home

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Requested by: @teukieteukies

Derek X's POV

We gather in the living room and we all get videos from home. I smile knowing that I will see my mom, my dad, and my husband. I miss them so much so I can't wait to see and hear from them.

I keep waiting and waiting for my video to pop up. Eventually I realize that my video is last. I see my mom and my dad.

"Hi Derek. We are so very proud of you and how far you've come. I love and miss you so much. I can't wait to see you when this is all over." My mom says and I start to tear up.

"Hi Derek it's dad. I miss you like crazy. I miss having you at home. I know that you are on the show making an impact and I'm so so so proud of you. Keep making us proud Derek. See you soon" my dad says.

My dad turns the camera and I see my husband. I can't contain my tears and I start to cry just looking at my beautiful husband.

"Hi baby. I'm so beyond proud of you. You continue to make me proud everyday your in that house. I have a surprise for you. I ended up filling out our adoption papers. Meet Daniel Xiao" my husband says and turns the camera to our six year old boy.

"Hi daddy. I miss you so much and I can't wait to meet you" Daniel says and the screen goes black.

"Awww" Alyssa says.

"He is absolutely adorable Derek. Congrats" Tiffany says and gets up to hug me.

"Congrats Derek. You are going to be an amazing dad" Hannah tells me.

I am so lucky to have Daniel and my husband in my life.

Now I'm just counting down the days until I can finally meet my son.

Word count: 325

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