BB20 Brett- Backstab

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Requested by: @CO1162


I am in a showmance with Brett and I just won the 2nd HOH of the night since today is the double eviction.

I hug Brett and give him a quick kiss on the lips before going into the side room to talk to everyone individually before I have to nominate people.

Tyler comes into the room last and tells me "you have got to backdoor Brett. He was talking to me yesterday about how he is going to get rid of you during final 3."

Wow. That's news to me. It's kind of shocking because I always thought we would be at the end together but I guess he has other plans.

I walk out to the front of the living room and nominate two pawns hoping one of them wins veto so I can backdoor Brett, I hope Tyler's right about this.

"I nominate Sam and JC." I state simply.

*time skip*

Sam won the veto and I once again am in the room with Tyler. I have to make sure what he is saying is right.

"Are you sure I should backdoor Brett?" I ask.

"Yes (y/n) trust me. He said he knows he can't win with you in a final so he plans on cutting you. I'm looking out for you." Tyler says.

"Okay, let's do it" I sigh.

I go to the front of the room. Sam uses the veto on herself so now I have to pick a new nominee.

"I really hate to do this. Brett please take a seat. I heard that you did not want to take me to the finals so I might as well get rid of you now" I say as my voice is shaky from trying not to cry.

*time skip*

"By a vote of 2-1. Brett you are evicted from the big brother house" Julie says.

I get up to apologize to Brett but he pushes me away.

"Fuck you (y/n). I hope you know if you do make it to the finals you will never have my vote." Brett tells me.

I can't help but let the tears roll down my face as I watch Brett walk out of the house.

*time skip*

I am in the final 2 with Tyler and I feel great. I think I played the game the best I could.

"I will now reveal the votes. You need 5 votes to win"

"JC voted for. Tyler"

"Angela voted for. Tyler"

"Sam voted for. (Y/n)"

"That's 2 votes Tyler, 1 vote (y/n)"

"Brett has voted for. Tyler"

Okay. Ouch. That kind of really hurt. Knowing the Brett doesn't care about me anymore and wants me to lose.

My mind can't stop thinking about Brett's vote. And before I know it the vote is tied.

"This vote will declare the winner. It all comes down to Bayleigh. Congratulations (y/n)" Julie says.

I immediately hug Tyler and we walk out together.

I hope I can fix my relationship with Brett now that I am outside of this house.

Word count: 520

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