BB24 Kyle- Tyler's Sister Part 2

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Big Brother has honestly changed my life for the better. And no it's not because of the money, which I did in fact win during my season. It is because while in the Big Brother house I found my soulmate, best friend, and partner in crime, Kyle. I have now been dating Kyle for a year and a half after we got out of the house. I will never forget the day Kyle finally got to announce to everyone and the world that he is mine.


"Congratulations (y/n)! You are the winner of Big Brother 24! Come on out here!" Julie announces. I immediately walk out the front door and I am met with confetti. The first person I go looking for is Kyle. The second I see him I jump in his arms.

"We have a few moments left of the show and someone in the cast has requested to say something" Julie says.

"Fellow houseguests, friends and family, and Big Brother fans. I would like to say that this beautiful and absolutely amazing human being (y/n) is my girlfriend. And I love her so much. It has been so hard keeping this to ourselves and from the houseguests. But I just want everyone to know that she is mine. And that I love her." Kyle admits while dipping me into a kiss. 

"Tangela 2.0" Julie laughs.

*End of flashback*

Now I am walking on the beach alone, about to meet up with Kyle. One thing about both of us is that we both love the beach. It's our favorite place to be at. As I'm walking towards Kyle I notice red rose petals on the ground. I follow them to Kyle, where he is standing under a arch covered in my favorite flowers. Kyle takes my hand and gets on one knee.

"(Y/n) Crispen. Since the moment I stepped foot in the Big Brother house, I fell in love with you. And as I quickly got to know who you were, I fell in love with each and every part that made you (y/n). I quickly learned that I don't want to be in this world without you. You are my rock and you keep me sane. I love you so much (y/n). Will you marry me?" Kyle cries.

"Oh Kyle. Yes" I cry. Kyle puts the ring on my finger and spins me around. Kyle kisses me and I wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss.

*time skip*

It is my wedding day! I am beyond excited but also nervous. I have Angela and my best friend from the house Taylor as my bridesmaids as well as some other people. Kyle has Tyler, Pooch, and Joseph as his groomsmen as well as some others. We invited the entire cast of Big Brother 24 to the wedding.

I hear a knock at the door and I open it. I am revealed with Tyler, who will be walking me down the aisle due to our father no longer being here.

"Wow" Tyler chokes out.

"You look absolutely beautiful." Tyler hugs me. "Dad would have said, 'you look like a princess my little girl'" Tyler laughs as he cries.

"Gosh. I love you so much Ty" I begin crying now too.

"I just want to remind you that I'll always be here for you, no matter what. Okay sis?" Tyler questions.

"Of course Ty. I'm here for you too." I smile.

"You ready to do this?" Tyler asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I say as we begin to walk down the aisle. The second Kyle looks at me he immediately loses it and bursts into tears. I look at Kyle and begin crying even more. I reach the end of the aisle and Tyler gives me one last hug. I take Kyle's hands in mine and we begin the wedding.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." I lean in and give Kyle the most passionate kiss I have ever given him. I'm so happy to be Kyle's wife.

*time skip*

I am currently 39 weeks pregnant and I am walking into the hospital to have these babies with Kyle. And yes, I said babies. I'm having twin girls. Kyle and I are over the moon. We decided that Baby A is going to be named London and we are making Tyler and Angela the Godparents. While Baby B is going to be named Harper and we are making Taylor and Pooch the Godparents since they are our best friends from the Big Brother house.

We get situated for the c-section. Kyle holds my hand and after a little while we hear a cry. We look over the curtain to see baby London. Then a minute later we hear our last cry. We see baby Harper. Kyle looks me in the eyes and cries.

"You did it beautiful. They are absolutely perfect" Kyle tells me as he wipes my tears away.

"I love you so much" I cry.

"I love you more" Kyle smiles. "I love the little family I've made with you already."

Word count: 867


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This was so much fun to write!

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Emily <3

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