BB21 Jackson- Goofing off and cuddling

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Requested by: piper_Mclean12


Today is a day where we have nothing going on today. So it's pretty boring. But at least I have my showmance partner, Jackson Michie, to hang out with. I love hanging out with Jackson because he does the funniest things!

I was laying in the hammock talking to Christie, while Jackson was working out. Jackson kept looking over at me and when he did I made faces at him to catch him of guard!

Once he is done working out he comes to the hammock and he gets to get on the hammock and Jackson and I both fall off the hammock. I end up falling on top of him. I look at him and we both start laughing so hard! We try to get up but lay on the ground for a little bit.

—————Time Skip————

It was getting late and I was ready to go to bed in my HOH bed with Jackson. We get comfortable in the bed. He wraps his arm around my body so I can feel his body heat and his body getting closer to me. We start talking and he starts playing with my hair.

"I got so lucky I met you, (y/n). You make this game so much better. You make me look forward to waking up in the morning." Jackson whispered into my ear. As our bodies are basically intertwined together.

"Jackson Michie, you are one of a kind. And I'm so glad I'm here in this house with you. I hope we can make this work outside of this house." I whisper back into his ear.

Even though the lights are turned off I can see him smile. Wow I am so in love with this man.

"(Y/n) Trust as long as we have each other this will work. I want to be with you so much. I can't wait to be outside of this freaking house." Jackson says to me.

"I can't wait for all the stupid and funny memories we will make together. And I can't wait to tell our kids them too. I love you Jackson Michie, more than you will ever know."

I am always cautious when I say "I love you" because I feel like a lot of the time I don't feel like they love me back.

"(Y/f/N) I am in love with you." He says.

He turns over and kisses my lips. Our first kiss in the house!

He looks me into my eyes and says "I have waited 21 days to do that. Good night. I love you."

"I love you too." I say back to him.

We both go to bed and the last thing a feel is my body all knotted with his. I feel safe and happy.

Word count: 498

I hope you enjoyed the first request! I hope it wasn't bad! It was my first one!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and request!


-Emily ❤️💋

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