BB24 (Male x Male) Joseph- First week

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Requested by: @PurpleAries7


It's the first week on Big Brother and I am very lucky to be on this new season. Daniel won HOH and I decided to volunteer to be a have-not with Kyle, Joseph, and Michael. I've definitely gotten the closest with Joesph and I really like him.

It is now time for the nomination ceremony and I'm nervous that Daniel doesn't like me and will nominate me for eviction. Daniel turns the first key to reveal Terrance. Maybe it isn't me. I take a deep breath and hope my face doesn't show up as Daniel turns the second key. The next thing I see is my face on the memory wall.

"I have nominated you Terrance and you Y/N. The simple way to put this is you two talked the least game to me. It really sucks to do this since it's only week one but this nomination ceremony is adjourned." Daniel explains to the houseguests.

Everyone gets up to hug me and Terrance. This really sucks. I'm not ready for my game to be over. It just began. I make my way up to the have-not room and I hope for a few minutes alone to cry. I cry and the tears roll down my face. As I'm in the middle of crying Joseph walks in the room.

"Hey. It's okay Y/N. I'm not going to let you go home." Joseph is immediately by my side hugging me. "I pinky promise" Joseph holds out his pinky and I wrap my pinky around his.

"Look, we still have the veto to play. Your game is no where near being done okay? If you get houseguest choice, pick me and I promise I will take you off the block" Joseph explains.

"Thank you so much Joseph." I cry.

Joseph wipes the tears off my face. "Stop crying love. I hate to see my big brother crush all upset." Joseph immediately makes a face. "Holy shit. Did I just say that out loud?" His face goes beat red, which causes me to laugh.

"Don't worry, you're my big brother crush too" I admit which causes Joseph to smile. Joseph leans in to kiss me and I happily kiss back.

"Gosh I love you so much Joseph" I say as our foreheads are touching.

"I love you even more Y/N" Joseph tells me.

"Now. Let's go downstairs and show Daniel he made the wrong choice by putting you on the block. Either me or you are going to win the veto and save your game" Joseph kisses me again.

"Me and you till the end" I smile.

"Me and you till the end" Joseph repeats and smiles too.

Word Count: 459

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