BB24 Turner- I Didn't know

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Requested by: @alicecullensrealwife

Y/n's POV

I'm sitting in the living room couch by myself, when suddenly Joseph comes and sits down next to me.

"Hi Joseph" I smile.

"Hi (y/n)!" Joseph says.

"Do you want to cuddle? Joseph asks.

"I'd love too" I say.

I get up and Joseph sits where I was a few seconds ago. Once Joseph sits down and is situated I lay down on Joseph and I place my head on his chest.

"You are really comfy Joseph" I mumble int his chest.

"I could stay here forever" Joseph says.

"So how is your day today?" Joseph asks.

"Pretty good. How about you?" I ask.

"It's been a pretty lazy day" Joseph answers.

"Oh no! Are your muscles going to disappear after not working out?" I joke.

"How did you know?" Joseph gasps.

"You are so silly Joe" I laugh.

"Not as silly as, the tickle monster" Joseph starts to tickle me and I laugh. Eventually Joseph stops but I continue to laugh.

"You have such a beautiful laugh" Joseph says.

"Why thank you" I blush.

"You look so pretty today (y/n)" Joseph continues.

"Stop, you are making me blush" I smile.

"Plus I'm not even wearing makeup" I add.

"You don't need any" Joseph says.

I'm so caught up with Joseph I didn't even notice Turner entered the room until he cleared his throat, causing him to gain my attention.

"Joseph this is the flirting police. You are being arrested for flirting with my girl." Turner says.

"My bad Turner" Joseph puts his hands up in the air and walks away.

Turner grabs my legs and throws me over his shoulder. Then he sits down on the couch and pulls me on top of him.

"Hi" Turner smiles.

"Hi" I say.

"I can't believe you were flirting with Joseph" Turner rolls his eyes.

"I was? I didn't know" I shrug my shoulder.

"Oh my gosh, are you jealous?" I ask.

"Maybe a little" Turner's face turns red.

"You are" I slap him lightly.

"Fine. I got caught" Turner admits.

"Not gonna lie, you look hot when you're jealous" I smirk.

"Oh do I now?" Turner says getting closer to me. There is only a few inches separating his mouth from mine, I decide to close the gap by locking my lips with his. Turner kisses me back and places his hand behind my head to help deepen the kiss.

Word count: 410

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