BB20 (male x male) Fessy- Veto

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Requested by: @PurpleAries4


this absolutely sucks. Tyler just nominated me and my showmance partner Fessy and I am absolutely crushed. I can't imagine this game without Fessy, but I also don't want to go to the jury house.

"I have nominated you Fessy and you (y/n). You two are a powerful showmance and if I'm being honest I don't think I can beat you. This nomination ceremony is adjourned" Tyler announces.

I grab Fessy's hand and we go into our bed room. I lay my head on Fessy's chest while Fessy plays with my hair.

"Let's just hope one of us win veto and there might be a chance we can both stay this week" I say trying to give us hope.

*time skip*

Fessy won the veto and I totally expect him to use the veto on himself. It's time for the veto ceremony.

"I have decided to use the veto. On (y/n)." Fessy says which causes me to be confused.

"Since I have vetoed one of your nominations you have to place a replacement nominee" Fessy continued.

"Sorry Sam. Take a seat" Tyler says and the veto ceremony is over.

I pull Fessy into the storage room and playfully hit his shoulder.

"Fessy what the hell? You are so dumb" I ask.

"You don't have the votes to stay, especially if you won the veto and used it on me it's obvious they will get you out for not using the veto on yourself." I continue.

Fessy wraps his arms around my waist and looks me in my eyes.

"I don't care, (y/n). It doesn't matter that I'm going home. You deserve to be here more than me. I have faith that you can win this game. I love you so much and I'm glad I met you in this house, but it's my time to go" Fessy says and then places a kiss on my lips.

*time skip*

"Fessy you have been evicted from the big brother house" Julie announces.

I immediately get up and pull Fessy into a hug and start to cry.

"It's okay beautiful. Go and win this HOH. I love you so much. I'll see you soon. But not too soon. Take care of yourself." Fessy whispers into my ear as we pull out of the hug.

"I love you more" I kiss Fessy and then I watch the love of my life walk out this house.

This game is going to be so harder without Fessy in it, but I'm ready to fight.

Word count: 430

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