BB22 Enzo- Really?

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Requested by: @TeaLover124


I am on the block right now against my absolute favorite person in the world. Enzo. I am also in a showmance with Enzo, so I understand why the current HOH, Cody, would nominate us. We both are good at competitions and have great social games. I am praying for a miracle that some how someone else becomes a bigger target and that Enzo and I can both stay in the house.

I pull Enzo aside into our room to have a quick talk before the POV competition begins.

"Enzo? Listen I need you to listen to me okay? No matter what happens to us today during POV, I love you. You are my best friend in this house and you are my ride or die. I love you so much and I am ready to love you outside this house too. Now we have to go out there and win." I say smiling at Enzo.

"God. I am so lucky to have you in this house with me. I don't know what I would do without you in this house (y/n). I love you too. And you are right. We need to go out there and kick their asses." Enzo says which makes me laugh.

*Time Skip*

"Congratulations Enzo. You have won the Golden Power of Veto." Dani says since she is hosting the comp.

I run into Enzos arms and he twirls me around. As he twirls me, I lean into his shoulder and whisper, "Meet me in the storage unit in 10 minutes."

After 10 minutes are up, Enzo meets me in the storage unit. I immediately give him the biggest hug ever. He returns the hug and it makes me feel so safe.

"I'm so proud of you babe. At least one of us are safe. We just need to work on a plan to get a bigger target than me out of this house." I tell Enzo.

"I'm so happy, I can finally sleep tonight knowing we both might survive another week in this house together." Enzo kisses me and I get butterflies.

*Time Skip*

"Since I won the power of veto, I can take one of the nominees off the block." Enzo says.

"I have decided...."

"To use the power of veto...."

"On (y/n)." Enzo says, which makes me so confused but happy at the same time.

"(Y/n). If something happens and I don't stay in this house, I want you to know that you deserve this money more than I do." Enzo looks me in the eye and tells me this, causing me to tear up.

"Cody. Since I have vetoed one of your nominations, you have to replace a new nominee." Enzo tells Cody.

"I hate to do this to you brother, but Tyler take a seat." Cody announces to the house.

"This veto nomination is adjourned." Enzo says and walks into the storage room.

I immediately fall Enzo into the storage room. Before I can question him, his lips touch mine and we kiss.

"Enzo. You really just took me off the block?" I say.

"Yeah. I did. You deserve to be here (y/n). You are amazing inside and out. As long as you stay, I know we will be just fine." Enzo reassures me.

Then I just hug Enzo and he just holds me. I don't deserve him. But I am so lucky to have him as my showmance and best friend.

*Time Skip*

"Enzo give us your speech as to why you believe you deserve to stay inside this house." Julie says on the live eviction night.

"First off to my family, I love you. Now to the house, (y/n) you have been the best thing that has ever happened to me in here. I know that I have found my soulmate for life within a few 2 short months, but I wouldn't change it for the world. (Y/n) you make me the happiest man on earth and I can't wait to make many more fun and amazing memories with you. I love you more than you will ever know." Enzo starts to tear up, "Thank you." Enzo finishes his speech.

I walk into the diary room to cast my vote.

"I vote to evict Tyler" I say confidently.

"By a vote, of 7-1"

"Enzo. You are safe. Tyler you have been evicted from the big brother house." Julie tells us.

I put Enzo in a bone crushing hug followed by many kisses.

"They can't get rid of us that easily" I say to him.

I am so lucky that I get to stay in this house with him for another week.

Word count: 789

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