BB16 & BB22 Cody- The Beginning and The Future

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Requested by: @kennlees


I am in the big brother house and I am apart of the big brother 16 cast. Everyone is so nice and welcoming. But one person in particular catches my eye.


It's just everything about him that makes me really like him.

I need advice on what to do, so I decide to ask Cody what I should do.

I see Cody hanging out in the lounge with some other people. I sit down next to him and the room goes silent.

"Guys. I need some advice. There's this person that really like in the house. Should I tell them how I feel?" I ask.

"I say fuck it. Just go for it." Zach says.

"Yeah. If you really like this guy just tell him how you really feel" Nicole tells me.

I turn to Cody and instead of saying something I just lean in for a kiss. Cody kisses me back. After a few seconds we pull away and everyone in the room goes crazy. They start cheering and clapping for us and it makes me feel amazing.

"So Cody. This makes us a showmance right?" I ask

"Of course it does (y/n)" Cody says and gives me another kiss.

*time skip to final 3*

I'm apart of the final 3! I'm with my 2 favorite people in the world for final 3 and I couldn't be more excited.

I'm cuddling in bed with Cody when all the sudden out of the blue he says, "(y/n), I can't wait to introduce you to my family. I can't wait to get married and start a family together. I really love you (y/n). I think I am the luckiest person here because I met my soulmate for life and my future wife"

"Cody. You are the sweetest. I love you too. We are going to have the best life together." I respond as I cuddle into him closer.

*Time skip to BB22*

It's big brother all stars season 2. And so much has happened between Big brother 16 and now. After being outside of the big brother house for 10 months, Cody proposed and of course I said yes. We ended up getting married 7 months later. Cody and I are also parents to twin boys named Austin and Asher. They are 4 years old and they are the absolute lights of my life.

Oh, one more thing. I'm currently pregnant again.

Cody is in the Big brother all star house right now. I told him to go because I'm not due until around Christmas time. Cody is such an amazing dad to these boys and I can't wait to see him be a dad again.

I turn the live feeds on in my bed with the boys laying on my lap. I hear Cody talking to Tyler, Memphis, Enzo and Dani about me and the boys.

"(Y/n) is such an amazing wife and mom. She makes me so happy." Cody says.

"I bet you are such an awesome dad Cody" Dani says.

"I love those boys with everyothing inside of me. I miss them like crazy. Asher and Austin if you are listening be good for mommy." Cody talks to the live feeds.

"So (y/n) is pregnant?" Memphis asks.

"Yeah. I think she said she will tell me the gender if I win HOH. She said she will put it in the letter" Cody says.

"That amazing, yo. You better win HOH tomorrow" Enzo tells Cody.

"So do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Tyler asks.

"My gut is telling me a boy." Cody responds.

My heart makes me happy knowing he loves me and the boys so much.

*time skip to HOH*

Cody won HOH which means today is the day he gets to find out the gender of our baby.

I turn on the live feeds to see Cody unlocking his HOH room. He immediately runs to the basket and opens the letter.

He starts reading it out loud.

"Dear Cody,

The boys and I are so proud of you. You are doing fantastic and I'm so proud to call you my husband. The boys and I miss you so much and can't wait to see you again.

My belly has gotten bigger and I am teaching the boys how to kiss my belly. I found out the gender of the baby. It's a....... GIRL. You are going to have a baby girl!

We love and miss you so much. Take care of yourself and we will see you when you come out.

Much love,

(Y/n), Asher, Austin, and Baby Girl"

Cody starts to cry and he turns to the camera and says "I'm so happy baby. A girl. I can't believe. I miss you guys."

*time skip to Cody coming home*

Cody won the season and I couldn't be prouder. Today Cody is coming home and I am so excited. So are the boys.

I hear the door rattle and soon I see Cody enter the house. Both boys run into Cody's arms and Cody hugs them.

Then it's my turn. Cody hugs me and I hug him back. Once we stop hugging he looks me in the eyes with tears in his eyes and says, "so we are having a girl?"

"Yeah. It's a girl." I say now crying.

Cody gets down to my belly and starts kissing it.

I'm so happy Cody is home.

*time skip*

Today is 5 days until Christmas. I'm so pregnant I'm about to pop. I'm in the kitchen making cookies when my water breaks. I yell for Cody and we are off to the hospital.

After a few hours of labor I give birth to a healthy baby girl.

The nurse gives Cody his daughter and we look each other on the eyes and I tell him, "meet your daughter Cody. Lilly Kate Calafiore"

I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have Cody as a husband.

Word count: 1051
Continue to request!

Are you guys excited for a new episode of big brother tonight?

I've been following along on Twitter and can't wait to see how the show is edited since the house is such a mess. But it's a good messy 😂


Emily <3

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