BB24 (Male x Male) Pooch- Final 3

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Requested by: @micisquaking


I can't believe I made it to the final 3. It has always been a dream of mine to be on Big Brother let alone be this close to winning the $750,000.

It's also a dream come true because I made it to the final 3 with the most amazing people who I love so much. It's me, Jasmine, and Pooch.

I really like Pooch. He makes me feel so safe in this house.

Today is the day before the final HOH and it's between me and Jasmine. I won the 1st part of the HOH and Jasmine ended up winning the 2nd part of the HOH. Tomorrow is finale night where Jasmine and I will compete live to become the final HOH of the season.

"Can I talk to you for a second (y/n)?" Pooch asks.

"Yeah. What's up?" I say.

"I need you to be honest with me for a second. Who are you going to take to the final 2 if you win tomorrow night?" Pooch asks.

"Without a doubt in my mind, I'm tami g you 100%. In the perfect world for me, it would be me and you sitting in those final 2 chairs" I answer honestly.

"I'm glad I met you in this house" Pooch says as he lays on my chest.

"I'm so ready for you to go out and win the final HOH tomorrow" Pooch says.

"I really hope I win." I yawn.

"You will." Pooch comments.

"I'm so ready to be out of the house." I kiss Pooch on the lips.

"Me too." Pooch kisses me back and nestles his head into my chest.

"I love you Pooch" I say as I rub my fingers through his hair.

"I love you too." Pooch says.

"Thanks for comforting me on our last day in the house. I don't think I could have survived this house without you." I say.

"Awww. You are the absolute sweetest. I'd comfort you any day of the week." Pooch says.

"I'm so lucky I met you in this house. I'm such a lucky person" I smile.

"I love your smile and your laugh more than anything in this world." Pooch kisses my lips and I kiss him back. I laugh.

"Your laugh is so perfect" Pooch comments.

"One more day and we are out of here" I smile.

"This has been the best summer of my life" Pooch kisses me.

"Me too." I kiss Pooch back.

"Now go out there tomorrow and win that final HOH so we can make it to the final 2" Pooch closes his eyes.

"Of course I will" I kiss Pooch's head and we both fall asleep.

Word Count: 459


Hope this is okay. :)

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