BB24 (male x male) Turner- Shower

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Requested by: @PurpleAries7


I can't believe I am in the Big Brother House right now. It is all I have ever dreamed of and more. I am also apart of a showmance with Turner. Turner is honestly the best part of this summer and I love to hang out with him.

I am currently cuddling on the couch with Turner. Turner is laying his head on my chest. I kiss the top of Turner's head when I suddenly realize how much Turner smells. I don't want to tell Turner he stinks, but I have to convince him to take a shower sometime today.

"Hey bubs?" I ask Turner.

"Yeah?" Turner replies.

"I think you should take a shower today" I say.

"I really don't want to" Turner cuddles into me more.

"Eviction Night is tomorrow, don't you want to have nice and pretty hair when you are on live tv?" I ask.

"I honestly don't really care about that" Turner says.

"Ok, if you don't want to shower for the live show tomorrow, will you at least shower for me?" I ask giving Turner the puppy dog eyes.

"I can't say no to that face. Ok, I'll take a shower today" Turner smiles.

*time skip*

It's a little later in the day now and Turner is about to get in the shower.  Turner is now reluctant to shower, which only leaves me one option. Make him shower.

Turner has already placed his shampoo and whatever else he needs to use in the shower. Turner also placed his towel around the side of the shower.

"I don't know if I really want to do it" Turner says. 

Turner opens the door to the shower and turns on the water.

"Do I have to?" Turner asks.

"Yes bubs, you do" I say.

Turner looks at the open door to the shower and this is my chance. I push Turner into the shower and force the door to close.

"Enjoy your summer my love." I blow Turner a kiss.

*time skip*

Turner just got out of the shower and we are now cuddling in our bed before we go to sleep for the night.

"See bubs, the shower wasn't that bad was it?" I ask as I twirl my fingers through Turner's clean hair.

"Honestly it wasn't that bad. It made me feel a lot better' Turner answers truthfully.

"I'm glad" I smile.

"I love you so much Turner" I kiss Turner on the lips.

"I love you too (y/n)" Turner kisses me back.

Word Count: 428

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