BB24 Monte- About to Pass Out

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Requested by: @jbarbs22

Y/n's POV

I am a have-not this week and it honestly hasn't been that great. The slop has not been agreeing with me so I have not been eating that much this week. Not to mention the beds are so freaking uncomfortable it's so hard to get a good night's sleep.

I'm sitting at the island with Monte while everyone else is in the living room laying on the 2 couches talking.

"How is being a have-not treating you?" Monte asks.

"Not to great" I sigh.

"Well the week is almost over. Push through it" Monte puts an arm around my shoulder.

"(y/n) please go to the diary room upstairs" Production says.

"Our weekly Covid tests have begun" Monte says.

I get up to go up the stairs so I can go to the diary room to get my Covid test done, when all of a sudden I start to see stars. I sway back and forth and Monte puts an arm around my waist.

"Hey, you okay (y/n)?" Monte asks concerned.

"No, yeah I just lost my balance." I say trying to play it off.

I walk up about 3 steps when my vision goes black and my ears start ringing.

"Monte. I'm about to pass out" Is the last thing I'm able to say before I pass out.

Monte's POV

(y/n) is not looking to good. I think being a have-not is really affecting her badly. (y/n) sways and says she loses her balance. Just to be cautious I put my hand on her back. She makes it up a few steps and she sways again.

"Monte. I'm about to pass out" (y/n) says.

Within a few seconds (y/n) falls backwards and I catch (y/n).

"Hey (y/n)? Are you okay?" I ask as (y/n) is still in my arms.

I sit with (y/n) on the stairs. (y/n) is in between my legs still passed out.

"Turner?" I ask.

"Yeah" Turner walks over once he hears my voice and then immediately realizes something is wrong. He runs over to me.

"(y/n) passed out, can you help me carry (y/n) into the DR?" I ask quickly.

Turner grabs (y/n)'s legs and I grab her arms and we carefully walk into the diary room. I look at (y/n) and I plant a kiss on her lips. I lightly touch her leg on my way out.

"Get better soon angel" I say.

I sit down in one of the nomination chairs and wait until (y/n) comes out. I don't care if I have to wait all night.

*time skip*

Y/n's POV

I end up getting treated in the DR and once they clear me, I walk out of the diary room and I see Monte with his head in his hands. As soon as Monte hears the door close he looks up and sees me. He comes over to me and engulfs me in a hug.

"Are you okay? That was so scary" Monte says still hugging me.

"I'm okay. I passed out because I didn't eat enough slop. But I'm okay my love" I reassure Monte.

"I was just really worried for you" Monte let's out a sigh.

"Thank you for caring so much" I smile.

"Of course, I'm just glad you're ok" Monte says and I lean in to kiss him.

Word count: 579

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