BB24 Joseph- Voting and HOH

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Requested by: @jujuB0809


I'm in a showmance with Joseph and it's honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know that even if I don't win the money, I already won in my books. I got my soulmate and my forever best friend Joseph.

I recently got into an alliance with Kyle, Monte, Joseph, Michael, Turner, Brittany, and Taylor. We are called the leftovers. A few days ago we blindsided everyone not in our alliance by putting up Ameerah and Terrance. And we are about to blindside them even more by voting to evict Ameerah, even though she thinks she has the votes to stay.

I get up to go vote in the diary room. In the hallway going into the diary room, I see Kyle walk out of the diary room. Kyle gives me a hug and then I enter into the diary room to vote.

"Hi (y/n)" Julie says.

"Hi Julie" I smile.

"Please cast your vote to evict." Julie says.

"I vote to evict Ameerah" I say.

"Thank you" Julie says.

I walk out of the diary room and see Joseph. I run to him and we met half way. Joseph grabs my leg and dips me as he kisses me. I slap his butt as he walks into the diary room. I exit the hallway leading into the diary room and I take my seat back on the couch.

*time skip*

Our plan worked perfectly and Ameerah just got to walk out that door and see Julie. Now it is pivotal for someone in the leftover's alliance to win this next HOH so we can get out Nicole or Daniel this week.

It's a memory comp and now it's between me and Alyssa.

Julie asks the question and I turn my block to say True.

"The answer is false. Congratulations Alyssa. You are the new HOH" Julie announces.

I give Alyssa a hug and congratulate her, even though I am pissed.

After the comp is over I walk in the house with everyone. I make my way to the storage room. A few minutes later Joseph enters the storage room too. I give him the biggest hug.

"You can't beat yourself up" Joseph cheers me up.

"It just sucks because I couldn't keep the leftovers safe and in power for another week. They probably think I'm the most expendable person in the alliance." I can't help but cry.

"Look at me (y/n)" Joseph grabs my chin and looks me in the eyes.

"We made this alliance because we all felt left out. I promise they won't be that mad. Everyone in our alliance is important" Joseph explains.

"Thanks" I sniffle.

"Our plan can still work this week." Joseph kisses my lips.

"Now stop crying and go show the house what a badass you are" Joseph smiles.

Word count: 481

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