BB16 Cody- Final 2 Betrayal

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Requested by: @Vhelle17


I made it to the final 3. I'm beyond excited because my showmance won the final HOH. Cody.

Even though I said no showmances. I quickly fell head over heels for Cody. We had our first kiss week 2 and we have been inseparable ever since.

Cody has told me countless times that I was his final two and he would take me to finals so I feel pretty good about this.

Cody gives me a kiss on my lips and then Julie comes on and tells us that Cody has to make his decision.

Cody stands in front of the living room one last time and looks me in the eyes as he begins to talk.

"Ok. This is not an easy decision to say the least. I trust both of you so much. I love you so much (y/n) but I had a final 2 with Derrick before our showmance and I have to go with it. So I'm sorry my love but I have to evict (y/n)" Cody announces.

I immediately burst into tears and Cody starts to cry too. Cody gives me a hug and I feel so betrayed and I feel so sad.

"I'm so sorry (y/n). I love you so much" Cody says.

I put on a fake smile and walk out the front door.

I sit down next to Julie and she asks me how I feel.

"Hi (y/n). You played a fantastic game. How are you feeling about Cody's blindside?" Julie asks me.

"I honestly feel really betrayed and hurt. Cody was my person in the house and if I ended up winning the final HOH, I would have taken Cody without a second thought" I say as I continue to cry.

"Well, you have joined the jury and will help crown a winner later tonight" Julie tells me as she smiles.

After a lot of deliberation I decided that I will vote for Cody to win, even though I am still mad and sad about If I couldn't win I want him to win.

Julie starts to announce the votes.

Julie begins with my vote.

"(Y/n) has voted for. Cody." Julie announces.

I see Cody's face light up and smile. I just hope he can pull out a win for the both of us.

"Congratulations Derrick. You are the winner of big brother" Julie announces.

I frown feeling annoyed that if Cody had taken me to the final 2 at least one of us could have won the money.

Cody gets out of the house and immediately finds me. He holds my face and kisses me.

"I'm so sorry (y/n). I should have taken you. I love you so much and I want us to be a couple outside of the house" Cody cries to me which causes me to cry even more.

I lightly slap the back of Cody's head and I laugh while continuing to cry.

"You are an idiot Cody Calafiore. But you are my idiot and you better be glad that I love you" I say as I kiss Cody.

"God I love you women" Cody says in between our kiss.

Word count: 539

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