Angor Rot Attack and Everything Goes Wrong?

Start from the beginning

"Blinky!" I yell with wide eyes, ducking as a Golem swipes at me, Jim quickly attacking it.

Angor tossed the car, the blue mobile spinning 360 in the air, Blinky pressed against the glass.

"No!" I yell as I raise my staff and pause the car, carefully placing it on the ground as I sigh in relief.

"You thought I could be defeated that easy?" Angor rot yells as I grunt, a golem swiping at me as Claire quickly destroys it, ducking as another golem swipes at her, Aaarrggghh grabbing the golem and throwing it off the edge.

"There's too many!" I yell, ducking as a golem tries to hit me, throwing a blast at it.

"Duck!" Claire yells to me as I do what she says, Claire swiping at a golem about to hit me, destroying it.

Me and Claire stare with wide eyes as Toby seems to lose control of his Warhammer, flying through the air yelling.

"Toby!" I yell as I watch Angor rot get out his dagger, covered in green.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion. The dagger leaving Angors hand, Claire, Jim and I yelling and Aaarrgghh jumping in front of the dagger, hitting him as he slowly starts to turn into stone.

"Aaarrrgghh!" Toby yells as I stare with wide eyes.

"Aaarrggghh no!" I yell as I quickly destroy the golem attacking me, running over to Toby and a stone statue of Aaarrgghh.

I hesitantly place my hand on Aaarrgghhs statue, a tear rolling down my cheek as Toby cries next to me.

Suddenly Toby's sadness turned into anger, his eyes full of rage as he grabs his hammer and turns towards Angor.

"I'm going to kill you!" Toby yells as he runs towards Angor, ignoring my yell for him to stop.

Toby tried to swing at the assassin, said troll simply laughing and stepping out of the way from the path of the hammer. Toby kept swinging, letting out an angry yell each time, only for Angor to find it amusing.

"Toby!" I yell as I throw a F/c blast at Angor, distracted him from shooting at Toby and instead firing at me, I swiftly dodge it as I grab Toby's arm and pull him behind me.

As Angor readied his magic, ready to send a blast at Toby and I, Jim's thigh blades were thrown, knocking the assassin in the face.

"I destroyed your soul! Your fight is with me! Not them!" Jim yells out as I quickly pull Toby away, his anger no use for this fight.

Angor growled, preparing another blast and not hesitating to fire, Jim instantly blocking it with his shield. Each blast, Jim had knocked to the side once it collided with his protective barrier.

"As you wish, Trollhunter" Angor says before they run off fighting.

"He killed him" Toby mumbled to me, tears falling from his face as I try to hold my own in.

"I know, now do you want your justice?" I ask as we watch Jim and Angor run off towards the hero's forge.

"Yeah" Toby says fiercely as I nod my head.

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