MM!Hinata x MM!Naegi x Reader x MM!Akamatsu x MM!Saihara - The Fall

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Try as she might, her defenses slowly wore down enough to where she craved their presence.

Makoto was friendly and sweet, always chipper and down to sit and talk with her about whatever they pleased. If she had to pick her favorite, he definitely would've had the top spot. He was a good companion for when she was generally lonely.

For times when she missed a good girl friend, however, Kaede was her second favorite. She had an almost motherly aura about her that served well to soothe her when she awoke from nightmares and needed a warm hug. Kaede often rested her head on her chest and hummed to her, offering to play the piano for her or just cuddling up to her. For the few months or so that she got her period, Kaede was a welcome comfort as she cried through her cramps and curling up to the girl's front in a warm bubble bath momentarily became heaven.

Shuichi was sweet much of the time, but his drastic transformation had her wary whenever he came to visit. Usually he had to come in with one of the others at his side (usually Kaede, as they were good friends), and for his visit he spend it awkward and loving, clearly wanting to touch on and dote upon her but not knowing quite how to approach. Eventually, she became more accepting of him on his own, but whenever he walked into her room alone she immediately panicked, thinking she was going to be punished.

Though they fed her well enough, she drastically lost a lot of body fat in her first month of captivity due to her unwillingness to eat. She refused to get up from bed unless she absolutely had to, and when she did, her lack of nutrients often caused her to faint. She remained iron deficient for the first year, and consequently skipped periods and felt all-around worse than before.

When it came to intimacy, they at least had the decency to wait until she felt more accustomed to them. Although Hajime later confided in her that waiting was killing them, the first night that they all spent together (taking turns and being incredibly gentle, so as not to overwhelm her) was enough to satiate some of their desires.

Try as she might to resist, she was starting to fall.

One morning, she awoke to her four lovers curled around her, a tray of delicious-smelling food on the bedside table.

"Good morning, love," Hajime whispered as he pressed a kiss to her temple. "Today is a special day."

"Oh? What is it?" She asked sleepily, yawning into her wrist. "Is it... my birthday already?"

"No, no, that's not for a few weeks yet," he chuckled as he brought over the tray. "Today is our one-year anniversary."

One year...? She thought to herself in her sleep-addled mind, frowning at the tray as she tried to recall. She looked up as Makoto let out a low moan, his eyes fluttering open as he smiled at her.

"Did... did we ever actually formally start dating?" She pondered.

"Well no, but we might as well be, right?" Makoto chimed in, resting his head in her lap.

She blinked. Well, it made sense. "I guess so," she slowly agreed.

"Dig in, it's gonna get cold and Kaede will pout." Hajime gently ordered.

(y/n) giggled at the thought, taking the chopsticks.

The other two awoke slowly, Shuichi first as he sleepily grabbed at her elbow, and Kaede last, as she murmured something and wrapped her arms around (y/n)'s middle, planting her face in the girl's back.

(y/n)'s heart was warm as the boys conversed quietly while Kaede gingerly kissed up her spine. The morning air was cooler against her bare skin when Kaede pushed up the back of her shirt to cup her hand on her side, but the four's body heat was enough to keep her comfy as she polished off her breakfast.

When she finished her toast, Makoto brushed the crumbs away from her lips and kissed them, making her smile.

Why did I ever resist? She questioned as she leaned into Hajime's touch. This feels so... so nice.

Her dead friends were at the darkest corners of her mind as Shuichi helped her out of bed, carrying her while Kaede happily rummaged through the dresser for some cute clothing for the day. Makoto was in running the bath while Hajime washed up the dishes.

"Are you alright?" The detective inquired, causing her to turn her head. "You've been silent for an awfully long time."

"I'm just... thinking," she replied, resting her cheek on his shoulder. "I'm fine."

He smiled shyly down at her as Kaede came back with a cute tee-shirt with a cat motif and a frilly white skirt to go with it.

"We can even break out the cat socks Mako got you for Christmas!" She cheered with a beaming grin as they both led you to the bathroom.

"That would be nice," she responded as they sat her down in the bathtub. Makoto was already there, and he accepted her into his arms with a contented sigh as the other two started to strip.

She was far past embarrassment at nudity by this point, having seen their bodies so many times it was a normal occurrence now.

Kaede giggled with glee as she pulled Shuichi down into the water, the heat and steam clinging to the group as they got comfortable and waited for Hajime.

The scent of some herb or flower was rising from the water, and it was a soothing aroma.

"Aren't you glad you're staying with us, (y/n)?" Kaede cheered, taking her hand in hers. "We love you soooo much, y'know?"

For a moment, the girl took pause. Something in the back of her mind was screaming, This is wrong!

But in the next moment, she locked eyes with Hajime as he entered the spacious bathroom already pulling off his shirt, a fond smile on his face as he beheld the four of them.

In an instant, the voice was banished, and she squeezed Kaede's hand with a happy expression.

"Yeah," she replied, a warm glow across her cheeks as Hajime got into the bathtub with them and she was sandwiched between Makoto and Kaede. "I love you too."


A/N: Again, I absolutely don't condone this kind of behavior IRL. Even writing this got me feeling kind of icky, but honestly, if I had to write a sequel to the original, it wouldn't have felt right not including the disturbing stuff. The original already had disturbing implications anyway.

Please tell me what you thought! See you guys later!

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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