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requested by thevamps_4eva


"I can't let you go,
So when you're ready,
Come back home,
Please come back home."


Rye's POV

"I spoke to Brooklyn this morning."

I stared at Mikey, not saying a word. Sonny's smile fell from his face and he just looked uncomfortable, unsure whether the topic Mikey had brought up was the best thing to talk about.

"What did you talk about?" Sonny finally asked after realising I wasn't going to say anything.

Mikey let out a breath of air as he leant back in his chair, presumably thinking back to the conversation they'd had.

"He told me he misses you."


"Both of you."

"I doubt that." I muttered, Mikey shaking his head at me.

"You know he's sorry for everything so why are you still refusing to see him?"

"Because he broke my trust and he broke my heart. How can I just forgive him that easily?"

"Sonny did." Mikey pointed out and I scowled.

"Well Sonny isn't in love with him, is he?"

Sonny sighed. "Rye, we're not forcing you to become best friends with him again. But don't you think it's time to bury the hatchet? It has been six months."

"Are you ready to forgive Andy?" I countered and he frowned.

"That's different." He mumbled.

"No it isn't." I scoffed. "You're upset with him because he was your best friend and he broke your trust. How is that any different to Brooklyn and I?"

"Because it was Harper that forced Brook out of your life. Nobody forced Andy to take Blair's side. He chose to. It was his choice to cut contact and it was his choice to turn his back on us. That friendship is beyond mending, but are you really blaming Brook for being so easily manipulated?"

"Yes because he thought it was a good idea to put his entire life in the hands of a guy he's known for like a year."

"That was Harper's fault and you know it. Now, you can't change Brook's mind about him, but you can get your best friend back before you let Harper win."

"He's right, mate." Mikey not-so-helpfully added. "Brook seems desperate to see you again."

My charade almost faltered, but I regained control and kept my composure.

"Well I don't want to see him."

There was a knock on the door.

"Too late! I invited him round." Mikey grinned, jumping up and heading towards the door.

"You did what?" I shouted, following him into the hallway. "Why the fuck would you do that?"

"Because you miss him and you're just too stubborn to admit it." He told me, opening the door. I froze, my phone falling to the floor with a loud thud as I stared at the boy who still took up so much room in my heart.

"Hey Mikey." He greeted, pulling him into a hug. Then he turned to me.

"Hello Rye."

I stared at him for a few more seconds before crouching down, picking up my phone before rushing out of the room. I made it to my bedroom and slammed the door behind me, throwing my phone onto the bed in frustration.

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