💔Hard To Let Go - Rylyn

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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️ suicide


"I've been drinking
I've been doin' things I shouldn't do
I don't know who I am without you"


Rye's POV

Me and the boys were chilling in the living room. I was cuddling my boyfriend Brook. Jack and Sonny, who were also dating, were cuddling. Andy was sat on the floor on his own, leant against the sofa.

Suddenly, Andy's phone started ringing. He checked the caller ID and answered the call.

"Hiya gran, what's up?"

I watched as his expression changed from happy to a mix of devastation, anger, confusion, and shock.

"W-what?... no. No, this can't be happening. No!"

He hung up on his gran, throwing his phone across the room.

"Andy, what's wrong?" Sonny asked.

I watched his face closely, seeing the tears starting to build up in his eyes. He didn't reply, just stared straight ahead.

I untangled myself from Brook and sat beside him.

"Fovvs..." I whispered, placing my hand on his shoulder. As soon as I touched him, he broke down in tears.

His head fell into my lap, and he cried into my chest. My fingers ran lightly through his hair.

I made eye contact with the boys. Sonny looked extremely concerned, and tears were building up in Jacks eyes from seeing his friend like this. Brook was in pure shock.

I ushered him over and he crouched down beside me.

"Can you and the other boys go into a different room or something? He won't talk unless it's only me." I whispered.

That may have sounded harsh, but it was true. All the boys understood the connection me and Andy had. It wasn't a romantic one like me and Brook. But me and Andy had been best friends for years. Since the start. He was my safe place, and I was his.

Brook nodded, and I gave him a peck on the lips before he ushered the other boys out.

I glanced back down at Andy as a tear fell down my cheek.

I had never seen him like that before. Tears flowing down his face like a river. Heartbreaking sobs escaping his lips. Body shaking because of how hard he was crying. He held his chest in pain. I knew it was serious.

Once he had calmed down a bit, I decided to ask him what had happened.

"Fovvs, what's wrong? What did your gran say? You know you can talk to me." I said softly.

He looked up to meet my eyes, not sitting up. His eyes were red and puffy. He looked broken.

"My mum died last night."

Once that sentence left his mouth, he broke down again and I cried with him this time. I knew how close Andy and his mum were. She helped him through his depression in high school. She was both his parents, since his dad wasn't around. But not only that. She was like a second mum to me. When I came out as gay, she accepted me straight away. I told her because I was basically like a son to her, so it felt like something I should share with her.

"It hurts, Rye." He sobbed.

"I know it does, Andy. I know."

No other words were spoken between us. We just held each other and didn't let go.

The boys didn't come back until later, when Andy was asleep in my lap. My fingers were still laced in his hair.

"Hey baby." Brook whispered, as to not wake Andy up.

"Hiya, sorry for sending you out." I smiled sympathetically.

"It's fine. Do you know what was wrong with him?" Jack asked.

I nodded. "His mum passed away."

The next few days were torture. Andy wouldn't leave his room. I heard him crying every night. But, I couldn't go in. He wouldn't let me.

Me and Brook were still going strong. I loved him with all my heart.

Since Andy was always in his room, we didn't think much of it when we didn't see him for a few days. We should have thought much of it.

One day, we got a letter addressed to me and the other boys, except Andy. I gathered the boys into my room and read it out to them.

Dear boys,

Before I start explaining, just know I love you all. You are my best friends. My brothers. You always will be. I am so grateful for all you've done for me, and I have no idea what I would have done without you.

My mums death took its toll on me. I felt empty. Alone. She was the best thing in my life. When I found out she had died, I broke inside. She was my rock, and I knew nothing would be the same again.

I knew I couldn't go on like I was. But I didn't know how to get better. I didn't want to get better. I didn't want to live. I realised that maybe the pain didn't go away until I did.

So, I picked a day when I knew you guys wouldn't wonder where I was. I sent this letter through the mail so it would arrive days after I was gone. So you couldn't save me.

I love you all so much. Please don't cry for me. Now that I'm gone, you can be happy again.

Rye, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for being my safe space. I knew I could trust you with my life. You were my soulmate in a friend way. I'm so glad I knew you. I hope you and Brook live a long and happy life together. As much as I want to tell you not to be upset, I know you. I know you're going to cry. I know you're going to be broken. I know that you're going to want to try. But, please don't do that. Don't join me up here. Stick by Brook and you will soon get over the grief.

Until we meet again, Andy Xx

The letter fell from my hand, and I screamed. I screamed and cried harder than I ever had before. I felt Brook wrap his arms around me, but I pushed him away. I stood up and started trashing the room. Throwing things across the room. Pushing over the furniture. Smashing things.

I saw Jack and Sonny leave the room, but Brook stayed.

I fell to the ground, agonising sobs pouring from my mouth. Soon enough I felt his arms around me again. This time, I didn't push him away. I clinged to him as if my life depended on it.

An hour later, I had run out of tears. Brook cried too. I know he did. I knew the other boys were crying. But, they also knew that I've taken this worse than them.

"He's gone, Brook." I said emotionlessly.

"He isn't gone, baby. He will always be here in our hearts." He grabbed my hands, looking straight into my eyes.

"Thank you. If I didn't have you, I would honestly do what Andy did."

He pressed his lips to mine.

"Please never do that."

We laid down, me cuddling into his chest.

"Promise me you won't leave me, Brookie." I whispered.

He kissed me on the forehead. "I could never do that."

Together, we fell asleep.

But I knew, when I woke up, everything would change.

Andy was gone.

Hey guys. I decided to write a different one shot instead of carrying on with Love Or Lust. I will finish that one in the next couple days, though.

Hope you enjoyed!

Bye guys Xx

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