💔Dear Rye.. - Randy

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"Little do you know, how I'm breaking while you fall asleep,
Little do you know, I'm still haunted by the memories,
Little do you know, I'm tryna' pick myself up piece by piece."


Dear Rye,

Once upon a time, there was a little boy with big blue eyes and beautiful blonde locks. That little boy was born with a smile on his face and hope in his heart. He was the light of his parents life, and they made a promise to that baby boy that they would protect him and love him until the day he died.

Now, that little boy had an amazing life. He had a family who loved him. He had a house to live in. He had food on the table, and clothes in the wardrobe. Sure, they might not have had much money. But that didn't matter to Blondie, cause he had everything he thought he would ever need.

School came around, and Blondie was excited. He had been looking forward to this new change in his life for months, and he was ecstatic to take this big step. Unfortunately for blondie, school was a horrible, scary place where he couldn't be himself. He was judged by all his classmates. Picked on for being different. All he wanted to do was make some friends, but he ended up making enemies.

The first few years of primary school were miserable ones for Blondie. He walked the playground alone, sitting by himself in the classroom and never getting a partner to work with. He cried himself to sleep every night, wondering if things would ever get better. His parents worried. How could somebody so young be so broken inside?

Blondie grew accustomed to his lonely life, not seeing it as a problem as he got older. He was convinced that he didn't deserve friends. That he wasn't good enough for anyone. So he put that down as the reason why everyone ignored him.

Once he reached his junior years, he made his first friend - another little boy with the same beautiful blonde locks and matching big blue eyes. They were inseparable, the younger boy trying to make up for all the years that Blondie spent alone. Blondie was finally happy. He had a friend. Maybe this was the start of a better life for the young boy.

But no. Blondie had to share his new friend with another boy who didn't like him. He had piercing eyes and a mop of brown hair on his head. Everyone loved this little boy. He was the definition of perfection. So Blondie wasn't surprised when everyone took the other boy's side over his.

Blondie began to lose his only friend, and he went back to crying himself to sleep. But not only that. He cried in the playground, a thousand eyes staring right at him as he sobbed. But nobody asked if he was alright. Nobody cared.

Life seemed alright again once the evil brunette moved school. Blondie had his best friend back, and was convinced nobody would ever separate them again.

Boy, was he wrong!

A big, ginger haired bully tore them apart. Their friendship was ruined, the little boy begining to bully Blondie along with everyone else. This broke Blondie inside, and though he was happy when he made up with his friend again, thus began his major trust issues. He was never truly happy. It was all just an act.

The time came for the two little boys to move to high school. They were terrified, but they knew they would be okay as long as they had each other.

Things were looking up when they made two new best friends, both brunette. One was outgoing, loud, and fun to be around. The other one was quiet, anxious, and sweet. Blondie took a liking to the quiet one.

A couple years passed without any issues, the group of four still going strong. But then, Blondie's quiet little friend made a new friend. A bossy, arrogant lad who reminded Blondie of that one brunette who tried to steal his best friend away all those years ago. Blondie didn't trust this new boy one bit, but he never said a word. Who was he to try and break a friendship up?

His suspicions ended up being correct, as the tall, angry lad began to bully Blondie. He slapped him across the face at a classmate's birthday party. This began a long war between the two. Blondie's life was once again miserable, practically getting beaten up every day. But his friends didn't see a problem with the bully. They continued to be friends with him, unaware of how much it broke Blondie inside.

The torment ended soon, bully and victim becoming friends again - despite Blondie's protests. But things seemed to be alright for a while. Blondie began to get closer to his quiet friend, beginning a relationship with him shortly after. This was quite scary for Blondie. He wasn't as sure as his boyfriend, who's confidence had grown quite a bit over the years (no matter how much he denied it). Blondie was still figuring out who he was, and having everyone's attention on him and his relationship didn't help.

The two boys stayed together for a few months. But while Blondie was the happiest he had ever been, his boyfriend was slowly losing feelings for him. They broke up, and it sent Blondie into a stage of depression. He started to self harm - not properly as he was terrified of the pain. But he sawed into his arm with the sharper side of a ruler, hoping the stinging sensation of the dark red lines on his wrist were enough to show people he wasn't okay. But still, nobody cared.

He convinced himself he was happy again a couple months later, seeing no reason to be depressed now that he was back together with his boyfriend. But the relationship didn't last long, which was okay with Blondie since it was him who ended it this time.

Things were okay after that, the two boys getting back together for a third time just months later. But this time, their love was stronger. Blondie knew he had fallen for him, and he hoped that his boyfriend felt the same. They were closer than ever, holding hands around school and cuddling in bed. Blondie should have been happy. He finally had the love of his life - and he was happy when he was around him. But when he was alone, the depression came creeping back.

He cried most days over the most pathetic things, his anxiety getting increasingly worse. It was around that time that he started having health problems too, frequent doctors visits taking all the energy out of him. Things just seemed to be getting worse for Blondie, and no matter how much him and his boyfriend loved each other, they struggled to see how much the other was hurting.

Blondie got better at reading his boyfriend's moods and being there for him, wanting nothing else but the boy he loved to be happy. He thought he would feel the same. He thought that if his boyfriend loved him as much as he said he did, then he would want Blondie to be happy too. He would try and be there for him as much as possible. All Blondie wanted was his boyfriend to hold him when he was sad and to comfort him on hard days.

But he didn't. Because every time he saw Blondie upset, he turned the other way. Blondie was constantly forced to apologise for not feeling okay, and he was tired of it. He was tired of not being good enough. He was tired of living.

It wasn't only his boyfriend. Blondie's family and friends couldn't see that he wasn't okay either, or they just chose not to notice. But that didn't bother Blondie. As long as he had the love of his life by his side, he was okay. He would be strong enough to get through the pain.

But he didn't have him. His boyfriend clearly didn't care enough about him to push his own doubts aside to show him how much he loved him.

This was no hypothetical story. That small, blonde boy is me, and the quiet brunette, who continues to break my heart while mending it at the same time, is you, Rye.

Love, Andy x

This is a true story. Blondie is me, and everything that happened in this one shot has happened to me.

Hope you enjoyed!

Bye guys Xx

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