🌹Dream - Harplyn

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This one shot was actually originally written by AnxietyRiddenWriter (can't tag her cause we broke up and she blocked me but go follow her anyway)


"Don't tell me I'm dreamin'
Cause if I've been dreamin'
I don't ever want to wake up
So in love with this feelin'
Tonight I'll be sleepin'
Sleepin' with my eyes wide shut"


Brook's POV

I was looking up at my bedroom ceiling, that dream replaying in my head. 

I was with Harper at the park. We were in our spot that we found together and claimed to be ours. We had something to tell each other, so when I looked down at my phone and saw a text from him saying he was there and wanted to tell me something, I instantly left my house. I can't remember the trip, but once I was there I asked what he wanted to talk about. He started to stutter and blush from embarrassment. I walked over to him, placing my hand on his back comfortingly as he whispered shyly,

"I've developed a crush on you."

He started leaning in and when our lips were about to touch, I woke up.

I glanced at the time on my phone, seeing it was 1pm. I sighed. I really didn't want to forget this dream. My phone buzzed, but I ignored it. It buzzed again, but this time I heard the ringtone I had set specially for Harper. I quickly answered the phone, trying to put on the best 'I totally haven't been a lazy shit for hours on end' voice I could.

"Come meet me. I have something important to tell you." He hung up straight away, but I knew what he meant.

I sprung out of bed, quickly getting dressed, before grabbing my phone and running out of the house. The boys were busy in the kitchen, so they didn't bother asking where I was going.

Putting my phone in my jean pocket, I ran to our spot, seeing Harper in the exact same position as he was in my dream. I tilted my head at him, and he glanced at me.

"I've got something to tell you."

He clapped her hands happily. He wasn't nervous like he was in my dream, but that didn't change my chances, right?

"Come here and sit down."

His voice interrupted my thoughts. I rolled my eyes fondly, sitting next to him on the grass.

"Okay, okay tell me."

My heart was pounding in my chest so hard that it felt like it was going to explode.

He smiled at me. "I met someone!"

I felt my heart break, my facial expression dropping instantly.

"I-I'm happy for you."

I stuttered over my words, gulping. I was happy for him. All I wanted was for him to be happy, and if someone else makes him happy, then I'm going to bury my feelings.

"What? You don't sound happy, what's up?" He asked tilting his head at me, looking a bit hurt

"N-No I am happy. So happy for you! I'm just tired, didn't get enough sleep last night." I partly lied. I mean, the dream did keep me up most of the night.

Luckily, he believed me.

He hugged me.

"That was it. You got anything to share with me?"

I shook my head and we both left our secret spot. We had a final hug and went our separate ways.

As I was walking back home, I realised I had done what I didn't want to do. I had forgotten about the dream. It just seemed so real that I had some hope for us. I believed he actually liked me, and he just shattered my heart...

Oh well, I'll always have our dream.

Hey guys. This was actually so cute so thanks for the one shot

Everyone go follow her ^^

Hope you enjoyed!

Bye guys Xx

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