🌹Threw Away Our Friendship - Rykey

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"You and I started looking back
Now we've got to make up
For all the wasted time"


Mikey's POV

It had been a month and a half since I left the band. I honestly thought we were all going to stay friends.

I guess not.

I hadn't spoken to Rye since the night I left. Jack texted me for a few days after I left, but stopped shortly after. I FaceTimed Brook a couple times, but we barely spoke. The only one I spoke to anymore was Andy. Everyone else cared more about Sonny than me.

Which is fine. At least I know who my real friend is.

Despite not really being friends anymore, I never expected any of them to hurt me.

I was wrong.

I knew Rye was bitter about me leaving. He would make these crude jokes and snide remarks. Nobody knew how much they got to me. We had been friends the longest, which is why it hurt the most when he threw our friendship away.

I was living with my my mum, quite a bit away from the RoadTrip house. I would only ever see Rye if he visited home.

Which I didn't know he was doing right now.

I was home alone, so I decided to sit in my back garden and look at the stars. My garden was connected to Rye's mum's garden with just a gate, so I could see inside their garden. I still spoke to Sammie and Shaun sometimes. They were better friends to me than Rye was.

My peaceful night was ruined when I heard that familiar voice I hadn't heard in a month.


I looked up to see Rye stood at the gate.

I ignored him, looking back up.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

No response.

I heard the gate open and then he was stood in front of me.

"Mikey!" He grabbed my chin to make me look at him.

"You want to know why I'm ignoring you? Maybe it's because you chose to throw away our entire friendship!" I spat.

His eyes widened. "I-I didn't mean to."

"You don't think I saw all the jokes you made about me? They hurt, Rye. I thought we were best friends. I thought we were brothers."

"We are.." he whispered.

I stood up. "Then why throw it all away?"

I turned to walk away when he spoke again.

"Because I'm in love with you!"

I froze.

"I'm in love with you." He repeated.

I turned around to face him. I swallowed and avoided eye contact. "What?"

"You heard me." He walked closer to me.

"I've been in love with you for years, but I never had the courage to tell you. But, the night I finally decided to admit my feelings was the night we found out you were leaving. I was heartbroken, Mikey. I thought it wasn't meant to be, and that you wouldn't be leaving if you loved me back. So, I swallowed my feelings and pushed you away, since it was the only way I could think of getting over you. I made jokes so no one would see my pain."

"I-I.." I didn't know what to say.

"Rye, I'm sorry."

"Shh." He placed his finger on my lips, and I realised how close he was to me.

He leant forward so that his lips hovered over mine.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I smashed our lips together. During the kiss, I realised my feelings for Rye.

I pulled away, placing my forehead against his.

"I love you too, Rye."

He smiled, a tear falling down his cheek.

"I'm sorry."

"That doesn't matter anymore. I want to be with you!"

He kissed me again, smiling against my lips.

"I've been waiting for you to say those words for years."

Hey guys. This took a completely different turn than what I originally planned. I'll write my original idea in a different shot.

Hope you enjoyed!

Bye guys Xx

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